Author Topic: Planned Publication on the Medieval Flats of Hans Müller of Erfurt  (Read 1527 times)

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Re: Planned Publication on the Medieval Flats of Hans Müller of Erfurt
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2020, 12:47:06 PM »
I am sure there will be a lot of german collectors interested in this new publication too.

The publications from the KLIO Baden-Württemberg are on a very high standard and are well known here among the collectors.



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Re: Planned Publication on the Medieval Flats of Hans Müller of Erfurt
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2020, 10:02:14 AM »
Hi Rick,
I shall definitely buy this edition and I am sure I know 3-5 friends who are interested too.
Thanks for the great job you did. See you at Kulmbach 2021

Rick Sanders

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Planned Publication on the Medieval Flats of Hans Müller of Erfurt
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 03:49:46 PM »
KLIO’s Baden-Württemberg club is in the process of publishing a Special Issue (Sonderheft) soft-cover work on the over 470 flats produced by Hans Mueller of Erfurt from the 1930s to 1957, frequently thought of as being produced by Fritz Menz.  These are the flats so beautifully drawn by Ludwig Madlener and by Ludwig Frank, and almost all engraved mostly by Ludwig Frank, such as Saladin and Frederic Barbarossa.

The publication will update and significantly expand on the series of articles that have appeared in KLIO’s Die Zinnfigurmagazine starting with the November/December 2019 issue and concluding with the August 2020 issue.  The new publication, “Sonderheft - Zinnfiguren der Ritterzeit von Hans Müller, Erfurt” (Flat Figures of the Age of Knights from Hans Müller, Erfurt”) will include updated listings and improved photographic spreads of those that appeared in “Die Zinnfigur” magazine, and they will have descriptions in both German and English.  The listing now identifies the current producer of almost every one of the figures, including some previously unidentified or thought to be lost.

The text adds chapters on Hans Mueller’s life, the figure conversion methods he pioneered in the 1930s (including photos of figures he converted), photos of the molds, and perhaps most significantly, color photos of almost every one of the more than 470 figures painted, as well as an English synopsis of the text!  Photos of painted figures from collections in Germany, Italy, France and the US will present the works of noted deceased painters like Walter Fischer, Vladimir Douchkine, Guenther Schaaf and others, some of which appear in print for the first time.  Similarly, some current master painters from Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden and the U.S. have contributed photos of their painted Mueller knights, men-at-arms, Saracens, Turks, etc.  The figures will be presented by era, e.g., the Crusades, the Battle of Crecy, Tannenberg, the age of plate armor, etc.  Another new feature is the presentation of many of the source illustrations that inspired the figures, like plates by Viollet le Duc of European knights, by A. V. Viskovatov for the Russians at the 1410 Battle of Tannenberg, and by Richard Knötel for the Turks, matched to the figures.

If you have seen the special issues on the 955 Battle at the Lechfeld or on the Russian Strelzi, it will give an idea of the format.  The special issue is projected to be on sale at the August 2021 Kulmbach Zinnfigurenbörse at the KLIO Baden-Wuerttemberg stand.  It might even be possible to pre-order it and receive it earlier, or at least that is the hope.  News about that will probably appear in Die Zinnfigur magazine. 

Direct enquiries to Rick Sanders, at