Author Topic: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?  (Read 2114 times)

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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2019, 10:28:10 AM »
Hallo Gerhard,
look at this shops for example - hope you are rich enough  8)
Greetings from Saxony


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2019, 05:31:16 PM »

Dear all,

yes there were new figures of 30mm at Kulmbach. Apart from my own sets, there were some new sets for the Napoleonic era or amendments which were all not announced at the "Zinnfigur". These figures coming from private editors who do not make any "PR".

Rainer Mischko completed his set "Ball of Lady Richmond" the night before Waterloo and his son had several new ACW sets.
There were some 50 new figures engraved by Uwe Ehmke, which are now available from Seele. Dr. Dau released several smaller sets for example on the artillery of napoleonic era and small scenes with field doctors. All of these were not published at the "Zinnfigur" as these editors don´t do that for some reason.

Furthermore Mr. Mineur completed his very nice "Baden Hussars at Berezina" set which comprises now 26 figures ! This set is very interesting because the uniform fits for other units as well. It is the first set which is 8exept for the trumpeter) 100% correct for the two hussar regiments of duchy of Warsaw and the Netherland hussars at Waterloo as well. This unit was on my own "to do" list and I´m quite happy he completed it. And Mr. Mineur did "Sacco di Roma" but next set will be the Russian Infantry for Beresina matching his Baden hussars.

Good night



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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2019, 05:50:17 AM »
Many thanks for the very interesting informations.
Maybe there should be a "Börsenreport" like the "Messereport" in the different modelling forums.

I wonder why the 1/72 figures (and the Fantasy Gaming figures)  in Germany or Austria  are so popular at the moment - when 30mm flats are far less visible in the Internet andnearly unvisible in shops. 
Berliner Zinnfiguren is - I guess - the last (but very big) shop who sells flat figures of different editors.

I think flat figures are a special kind of combination of hobby and real art - and mostly cheaper than round resin oder metal figures - I think many modelers who are interested in figures of all kind do not know, that the wide world of Flats even exists.


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2019, 03:04:33 AM »
Lilliehöök from Sweden showed a new series of "Scandinavian war 1675-79", 46 figures, and Swedish cavalry from the great Nordic war 1700-20, 17 figures.


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2019, 01:56:08 AM »
Yes . even if the flat figure in kulmbach of the round figures
and have collected individual pieces for the wall.
nevertheless there is something new.
Because I work closely with Mike Michaelis
 I can definitely confirm that new 30 mm figures are waiting in the market.
Many things could not be shown in Kulmbach or are not published in relevant magazines.
They are collectors who fulfill the dream of creating their own figures or series. and thus never appear on a stock market. which I am sorry. So many collectors get the impression that the 30mm figure dies.
In contrast to the rounds. where marketing plays an important role. Imagine flat figures give it to every shop. then the shallow ones would come to their collectors,
 as well as the rounds, whether 1/27, wargam, resin figures and and and

-Marti Andräe, had new
-Wolfgang Bock, had new additions to the ACW
-B & S pewter figures, also have additions to the 1618-48, also Napolionic time and WW 2
-Erhardt Staßburg, on the topic of America western
-cristian Carl, to the german french war 1870/71, civil
- Frank Lipfert, for the napolion era, military
to complete the list!
best regards


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2019, 03:29:26 PM »
I have seen nice drawings at the table from B & S, showing Street life in egypt in the time of the french (napoleonic) expedition,available November/December this year and there were some new figures for the siege of vienna or better austrian footsoldiers 1683 at the table of Mr. Tritschler


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2019, 11:23:15 AM »
I have seen many new 30mm flats at Kulmbach: The Golden Globe Theatre and Lawrence of Arabia from Western Miniatures, any different news for America (North, Middle, South) from Michael Behring, Landsknechte from J.-J. Mineur, new types to his French-And-Indian-War from Alexander Glöckner and so on and so far. I can`t give a complete overview. The 30mm flat is alive - not in this number like 80/90 - but it will there.
Greetings from Saxony


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2019, 10:54:07 AM »
the flat figure is just a niche hobby. It no longer reaches the mass. Whoever releases 30 mm figures will not think about financial gain, he makes it out of love for the hobby. But that's why it will last for a long time.


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2019, 10:43:43 AM »
Well - good news.
You as editor - do you think that there are themes that can change the buyers behaviour.
If you look at the many many new round figures in 1/72, 1/35 or 28 mm.Is there are market for modern themes (US-Army for Iraq for instance), the Vietnam-War, Civilians of modern times (sportsmen, artists, wrestlers ......)Or figures for "exotic" themes like the Mexican Revolution, Interwar-Period (North-West Frontier of India), Spanish Civil War, Colonial History, Fantasy, Superheros (well there is a copyright problem I guess)
literature (crime novels, SF Novels - you make very interesting figures on this theme).


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Re: Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2019, 08:54:30 AM »
No, there are still new 30 mm figure.
Mr. Sander has beautiful new knights in 30 mm. Uwe Peter has new zombies in 30 mm. Martin Andrä new medieval craftsman. Frank Dittmar brings out new knights and Celts.
I will be releasing Koreans, US Army and maybe Japanese in 30mm this year and next. And many other publishers also bring new characters, but how much of it is shown as novelty in the Klio?
Sure it may be that there are fewer new 30 mm figures than 20/30 years ago but it is probably due to the cost and the changed buying behavior.
But still gives new 30 mm figures!
P.S: or here in the forum also new 30mm figures are presented


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Kulmbach - was there anything new in 30 mm?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2019, 07:52:43 AM »
Where there any new 30mm  series in Kulmbach.I read in the Klio-Magazine. But it seems that the editing of really new figures comes to an end.Most "News" in the Klio-Magazine are figures where old moulds switches to new Owners.Are there active editors left? It seems that there are busts and some big figures edited but 30 mm?When I think of the 80ies/90ies when hundreds (up to 1000 and more a year) of new figures where edited - is it just me, or is the 30 mm flat figure dying at last?