Author Topic: Who can be the painter  (Read 4949 times)

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Re: Who can be the painter
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2020, 05:20:14 AM »

I saw them too, Sandor… was close to buy them myself too!!! (*)

They were (probably) painted by Hanno Schmuck, painter and collector who deceased last year or the year before, and his collection is progressively put on sales on by Mathias Heinel (he told me several thousands), for the next years.  For some, he specifies that they come from the collection, for some, no mention, but it could also be by ignoring whether he was the painter.

Actually, interested by the singularity of these paintings, since six months, I am loading these paintings on the forum, for a long time still, probably, in the gallery Hanno Schmuck in the section "In Memoriam".

There are so many, that I asked Mark to open several subsections by period of the History to have some minimal grouping.
I've loaded already some 783 pictures today, several hundreds are under preparation (reformat or resize the image (too small or too large), fade out or erase white spots and fibres on the background, blackout the background, translate description from German to English, specify editor when stated, …. ),
I am loading almost every day, but in parallel, Matthias Heinel is also loading new paintings several times a week, so it is a race between me and him for a good time still !!!! §couple of hundreds of hours still)

(*) still in my file 'ready to load' for these days….
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Who can be the painter
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2020, 02:35:36 AM »
Good morning everyone!
I have recently bought on eBay the below flats.
The painting - however in majority only one-sided - is outstanding.
The armour is painted on bare metal, the colours are beautiful, with real 3 dimensional effect.
Does anybody know who could be the painter, at least whose style can be identified?
Thank you!
Take care-