Author Topic: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?  (Read 7846 times)

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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2016, 07:55:41 PM »
A note to everyone on this - we are discussing an option to give everyone an equal chance at figures with bidders chosen at random so again please DO NOT feel you need to make sure we know what you are interested in - I would think almost everyone will be.  We are hoping to do something simple that will give everyone plenty of time to express interest, an equal chance at winning and an easy way to collect payment.

mark  8)

P.S. Major kudos to Nick once more taking this on, truly above and beyond from both sides - for the Youngs as well as a nice opportunity for everyone here.  (Personally I would have been tempted to hide in the woods with my new 10,000 best friends which I intended to paint someday but, I digress.)  Bravo Nick!

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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2016, 08:01:30 AM »
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)

Ed Humphreys

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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2016, 06:03:24 AM »
I can send you details of all the SEGOM sets (at least the Lepeltier engraved ones), as well as painting details for most of them. Just let me know which ones you mean

Nicholas Ball

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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2016, 05:36:51 AM »
Hi All,

with regards the figures, I am still processing the first box load. Quite a task in itself. But I shall shortly be ready to post the first sets  ( segom ) the problem is sorting all the loose figures and seeing if they make sets.
There are some very nice figures.

Mark has kindly offered to set up some form of documentation etc.

I have been rather busy at work ( run my own companies ) but over the next 6 months this should ease somewhat and I can give this my full attention ( especially the 10,000 figures that are still with Mr and Mrs Young.)

awaiting paypal details.


Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2016, 04:27:20 PM »
I guess I'd better get in line, too. Will the Forum have a clearly labled link to any auction site should that be the route taken for the flats sale?
There are two sides to every question.


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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2016, 11:54:28 AM »
No worries, it can hold until you have finished your stunning display and then we can match the list with the figures.

I was working on German staff from Franco Prussian War this weekend - also waiting on pictures - so I am working backwards to your time period.

Looking forward to seeing the Russian gunners.  These will lend themselves to diorama potential - somewhat of a lost art these days.  (My issue with dioramas, aside from space, was always in keeping them dusted.  German armour does not look as scary when it is dusty I found.) 

Mark  8)

P.S. If anyone else has the Wimor pictures or catalog for the Light Brigade please let me know.
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Re: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2016, 11:24:36 AM »
I only have the typed list in German, no illustrations.
But I do have the set, part painted now. I have previously promised you that i would photograph them, but have to confess i have not got round to it yet.  I will make the effort soon.


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Great news Charles and good for you, sounds like an excellent adventure.  I also am looking forward to the figures.  I purchased Mollo's Into the Valley of Death this Year which has some great plates so I am looking forward to these

By the way way do you have Gottsteins catalog pages for the Light Brigade?  I don't but, would like to add them to the site.

I have also been hunting for his dinosaur set as you have in your gallery.  They look quite fun but, don't come up too often.

Mark  8)

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Mike G

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That's fantastic! Can't wait to see them
New York


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I am not lost, I am still here!
I have commissioned my own flats now, you may recall the discussions about the Charge of the Light Brigade 21st Lancers.
So I have the moulds now, and the metal, and on Friday i am off to see Brian to get some casting done.
Then I will offer them for sale. There are more in the pipeline, I have some illustrations from Vlad for Hussars and Dragoons, and he is starting some Cossack Artillery, and I have some engraving sessions booked with Karl Rieger in October, so there will be some more coming before Christmas.


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 ;D   Yes, I have noticed of late we share similar taste on things I have missed out on... Like my lost evil twin Charles I apparently now have an American nemesis as well.  My wife will wonder why I am wandering the house yelling "Porthos", and shaking an angry fist.

Fortunately, plenty of flat goodies to go around so life is still pretty good.

mark  8)

P.S. One possible suggestion for this collection is to try the same route that Jim Woodley's collection was offered.  It was put online and members entered their wants after which winners were drawn out of a hat if there were multiple Members looking at the same set.  If that works I would be happy to donate an online spreadsheet for folks to enter their interests.

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 ::) ::) ;D ;)
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)

Mike G

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Lol. I'm bidding on anything Michel and mark like as they have impeccable taste
New York


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Goodness, excitement is palpable across the site these days...

Eric's Grey Army sales, Andrew and his Mignot and now this.  The world is apparently awash in unpainted flats!

mark  8)  who is happily about two feet underwater in unpainted flats himself.
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Nicholas Ball

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I collected a large batch of figures in a box at the show from Mr and Mrs Young. I have slowly been sorting them. There are a few nice sets. When I get around to it I will start posting ;)
