Author Topic: Large Kulmbach collection Inherited... What to do with 10,000 figures?  (Read 7845 times)

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To get everyone equal chance, please inform all of a date ahead; perhaps via auction too ...
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)

Phil Y

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Can I register my interest in the Battle of Murten figures.  Will there be any information giving details of their auction or sale.  I had hoped to attend on Saturday at Peterborough but family commitments got in the way.
Phil Young

Nicholas Ball

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Yes lets access and go from there :)



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I think Mrs. Young will be heartened to know there are many interested parties but, for now it would might be best to let someone asses the collection and report back we all sign up as interested parties?

In the past collections have been put online with a drawing for figures when there were multiple interested parties.  Whether that is done or they are put online for auction I am sure the advice will be something fair to all.

mark  8)

P.S.  It is a stunning collection isn't it?  Is anyone familiar with the gentlemen?  Does this rival Jim Woodley's collection of figures?

P.P.S.  It would also be nice to see some pictures of his finished figures.  The gentlemen had some skill.
Site Admin

Hi Neck. I know I should not be doing this but let me know if you fine any elephants or camels. The one who must obeyed said I had enough but you never do. lol Willie


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Me also of course ....
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Me too I am interested to buy some flat figures... :) :)

If you get this all organized, please put me on the list to receive the details as I would be interested in purchasing some of these flats. Best regards-Penny Meyer

Nicholas Ball

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Details being sent forthwith.

See you shortly.


Mrs Young

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Dear Nick,

Would it be possible for you to email me the details for the show?
We can organise getting tickets etc..

Thank you very much

Nicholas Ball

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Dear Mrs Young,

We look forward to seeing you at figure world at the end of July. We will try to assist you as much as we can.

Kindest Regards.   Nicholas

Mrs Young

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Thank you very much everyone...
We will organise to come to the show in July... Hopefully we can meet up with anyone who would be interested... We can then try to identify and catalogue the collection into sets etc,...
I think we would like to keep a few sets in the family and open up the rest of the collection to those who will enjoy it most. It is a collection that held great joy for our grandfather. I'm glad it can still be appreciated.


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You have been given some good advice and the next thing to do is to identify and list what you have, not going to be easy but with the help of the BFFS maybe it can be done.

Your in the Oxford area so as said we have "Figure World" in July at Oundle near Peterborough, a few of the BFFS members will be there, maybe we can arrange a meeting to talk about what to do next.

You do have some sort after figures there but don't get to excited about the money side!! the collection will not be easy to sell and will take time.



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"The only advice I can give you now is to be cautious because you obviously have nice and hard to find figures"

So £30 will not buy the collection hahaha


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Hi Mrs Young
There seems to be a lot of nice quality sets
All that is valuable
But before putting it for sale it is important to gather the figures set by set
I see for instance the Louis XIV Staff, the Camp of the Cloth of Gold, Landschnechts camp, Battle of Murten and probably many others
You need an advice from a rather specialized collector for that
Maybe, and if you are not too much in a hurry, could we organize a meeting with you at the next Euromilitaire show in Folkestone , September 18th
You could also meet Nicolas Ball at another show, "Figure World" in July
I would gladly help you having personaly no interest in buying figures because I have already too many !

When the collection will be organized you will be able to sell it little by little on ebay for instance or try the Kulmbach show in August 2017
I should avoid an auction sale because blank figures do not sell well there

The only advice I can give you now is to be cautious because you obviously have nice and hard to find figures

Hope it can help
