Author Topic: Put flat figures in dioramas  (Read 4846 times)

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Re: Put flat figures in dioramas
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 03:42:26 AM »
Hi Joerg,
Thanks very much for yours very good advices.  :) And wiht yours nice dioramas there are good examples  :).
And for the dioramas more important who are put on table for example it's the same thing ?


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Re: Put flat figures in dioramas
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 02:29:11 AM »
Hi Isabelle,

after all - there are no rules at all.
It depends upon....  what YOU are trying to achieve.

In general - flats lack the third dimension, the depth. You try to bring depth by painting them.
So, there is an approach to a (small) diorama in placing the figures narrow (regarding depht).  Regarding left / right distance the scene you try to express, determines the distances.

If you use 3dimensional parts (houses, trees, vehicles) this attempt "as narrow as possible" is nearly at its end.

My advice - cut a piece of cardboard 3 cm "deep" put it on the table and arrange your figures.
If it works for you - fine.
If it does not work - try 5 cm deep.

For this Russian scenery 3cm was suitable

here too

for this the number of figures was to much.  Depth is 5 or 6 cm

Here the depth is 20 cm. Not really suitable for mounting at a wall, but there was no other way (for me) to create the depth of landscape.

Hope this helps a bit.
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Put flat figures in dioramas
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 01:17:10 AM »
I Wonder a question because I'll finish a set nearly and I'll begin the diorama after painting : How to put flats in a diorama ?
What distance put between each figure ?
Several people said me a diorama must be three cm wide  and the figures must have very little distance between each figure.
I speak about dioramas you can catch on a wall as a painting.
But when I see lot of diorama distances are often more important between figures and wide  more important too and these dioramas are wonderfull. So what are the rools on this subject ?