International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society

Flat Figures Painters Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: marko on March 20, 2020, 12:42:54 PM

Title: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: marko on March 20, 2020, 12:42:54 PM
With the general awfulness right now I have been a bit more thoughtful of late in terms of taking some things for granted and I have tried to thank some of the folks who are providing wonderful distractions and some enjoyment of late.

I made a point to reach out to Gianpaolo Bistulfi and thank him for his wonderful site - I always get little thrill when he has posted new content there.  It has been a source of much inspiration and is stunning in the amount of variety.

Here, kudos to everyone who is posting but, particular thanks to Hannibal, Christoph, Snagy all of whom have been busy of late - as well as everyone else part of the recent activity - it is a welcome distraction!

This site is and has been a little island of comradeship, polite discourse and stunning work the last several years which is one of the reasons I volunteered to help out to begin with. 

Stay safe all and again thank you!

mark  8)

Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: Joerg on March 20, 2020, 03:50:44 PM
Dear mark,

your words can be signed at any circumstances;
they are right.

But the praise concerning this site is to you too, Mr site admin.
Without your labour we would not have been able to enjoy this international companionship.
Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: snagy on March 21, 2020, 12:50:08 AM
Your work is crucial and precious for all of us!
Thank you, Mark!
Stay healthy all!!
Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: Hannibal on March 21, 2020, 04:14:52 AM

Absolutely Mark !! Without you, this site would die.

You are constantly watching, helping, creating, maintaining, updating, restoring, correcting, innovating, supporting almost 24 hours a day, 365 days throughout the year and with a calm, kindness, politeness never taken in fault !!!

You cumulate an impressive number of days activity on this site, when looking at statistics, which demonstrates your giant dedication with hours each day!

Thank you very much for this Mark, and this site has become today probably the largest in the world dedicated to flats for support, guidance, pictures, references, editors, collectors  and an main source of information for English speaking people around the planet.

Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: Brian on March 21, 2020, 04:35:09 AM
Agree with all that's said ,   thanks all  :) 
Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: Christoph on March 21, 2020, 05:21:41 AM
Three cheers to the admin for his work!
In this times (and of course everytime) this homepage is a wonderful place of discussion and inspiration.
I hope that this will be carried on and that more people start to post pictures of their figures here.

Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: errant49 on March 21, 2020, 11:16:38 AM
Nothing  to add but one more thank you Marko
It is so nice to avoid  borders and  share our passion worldwide
Keep  posting  everybody, and  as they  sing  "w'll  never  walk  alone "
Take care of  you  all
Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: archigrog on March 22, 2020, 01:32:23 AM
A big thank  to all those who attend on this website! Ecomiable job I follow you for a short time, but everything you find here is very interesting and full of contents. In these heavy circumstance, it is an island of distraction!
All the best, and stay healthy!

Title: Re: A thought and thank you to our posters
Post by: Jean_Paul on March 22, 2020, 05:03:39 AM