International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society

Flat Figures Painters Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brian on January 14, 2013, 05:04:07 PM

Title: paint a flat!
Post by: Brian on January 14, 2013, 05:04:07 PM
In techniques you'll see not a step by step, can't do them ::) , but a rough idea on painting a flat ;D
If you have not had a go then get yourself some basic paints oil's or acrylics, 20ml tubes are good and cheap and good artist brush 0/3-0/5 (sable) and have a go, if your not sure which figure to start with ask on here we'll show you how ;)       
Title: Re: paint a flat!
Post by: marko on January 14, 2013, 07:46:59 PM
This is not bad at all for a different medium.  I went from acrylics to oils and still dabble in acrylics so I know it is difficult.  (I still don't understand however, how someone like Greg DiFranco gets the results he does with acrylics but, you may now be on the way.)

Title: Re: paint a flat!
Post by: Brian on January 17, 2013, 06:09:05 AM
Thanks Mark, have to say I'm more comfortable with oils :) I suppose as I'm not new to water based paints I had an idea of which way to go ;)
Painted in Gouache    [attach=1]
Title: Re: paint a flat!
Post by: marko on January 17, 2013, 11:15:16 AM
Gadzooks man what is next?    "And here are some large scale figures painted in house paint".  Apparently you have dabbled in them all...  Gouache is an interesting medium, I was also tempted given Simon's pictures in the gallery.

Title: Re: paint a flat!
Post by: Brian on January 17, 2013, 12:58:40 PM
 How About Enamels    [attach=1]    I play with them as well ;)      [attach=2]
Tanks or Aircraft we got them to ;D                           [attach=3] 
And we won't talk about bikes! Yep them too ::)  so there you are anything you fancy painting you can have a go in flats  ;)
Title: Re: paint a flat!
Post by: marko on January 17, 2013, 01:30:55 PM
Bravo, well played indeed!

I am taken back to one of my favorite books of days of yore was Collecting Model Soldiers by Maj Henry Harris.  He collected based on a written Order of Battle with a few exceptions the thought being you needed a plan for collecting.  I was never that disciplined and have a range of figures with a few favorite periods standing out.

Flats have made this additionally difficult as there is a much broader range of possibilities than three dimensional figures which tend towards Military only.  However, you don't generally find a range of mediums as well piled on, though I confess to working through enamels and acrylics before settling on oils.  (I have a frightening collection of all paints hidden away.)

Anyway, impressive collection...
