International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society

Flat Figures Painters Forum => Figure Identification/Search => Topic started by: Guynemer on February 21, 2014, 11:16:21 AM

Title: Kfz 13 Adler
Post by: Guynemer on February 21, 2014, 11:16:21 AM
Hi all!

It's been quite a while, but finally I have a spare moment. A few months back I bought this wwii armoured car to display with some Kieler Reichswehr. It was on ebay with no details about the engraver or origin.
The figure is not part of the engraving, but a Reichswehr musician cut at the torso and glued on quite weakly. I've since removed it to strip the model, but it's a nice idea so I might solder it on.
The base reads "Maschinengewehrkraftwagen Kf 13" on one side, and "HM-WF 16    VK" on the other.

Any help identifying the engraver, editor etc would be appreciated.[size=78%] [/size] :)

Thanks in advance, Bani
Title: Re: Kfz 13 Adler
Post by: Brian on February 24, 2014, 05:29:30 PM
You let us know how it go's Bani ;)