Author Topic: Kieler Napoleonics.  (Read 5060 times)

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peter michael prow

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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2013, 02:17:30 PM »
Dear Alexander,

Are you the Alexander Baden who has the website with the Vetterling galleries upon it? If so, it's those pictures that have just inspired me to start painting flats again, so thank you.

You are of course absolutely right-there is much more availability of flats now. I remember as a child, there was only Western miniatures here, they did stock Grunewald and flats from the Terrana catalogue back then tough, there was a good choice at least.
Now there are a few online shops and people like the very helpful Mr Wilken, Barriere etc, it's much easier to get fantastic figures to paint, something for everyone. But it is a sad thing when editors don't reply to emails as I would dearly love to paint their figures.

And one day, I'll get to Kulmbach! And when I do, I'll stock up on enough to last me a liftetime :)

Yours sincerely,


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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 04:26:27 PM »
Dear Peter,

well yes and no. As I still remember when I was starting collecting in around 1976 being a boy when there was no internet bur a tiny flats section at a local shop (in the third floor hidden behind everything) and true mail order. At this time the Mignot flats have been available from Ochel and it took 3 months and a huge amount of money ( i.e. 5 DM each trooper) to get these.

Today there is ebay, "Berliner Zinnfiguren" and other collector/traders as Wilken pp. and much more information available "online" On the other hand some moulds are really spent after 50 or 80 years of use and not so easy to obtain. But actually there are but few moulds actually lost. And - for example the Nahde flats - some are back for sale after being off for more than 50 years.

Finally I can highly recommend to come to Kulmbach as there is no better place to get in touch with the editors and collections and collectors !

And finally : There are forums like this to be found.

Best regards


peter michael prow

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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 07:00:28 AM »
It really saddens me-some of these figures are a little work of art
it's such a shame they are almost impossible to find.
I dont mind paying a very good price for quality and shipping
because these things last a lifetime, nor do I mind waiting ,
but its hugely frustrating to have no replies to orders and email.

Mark-that is a lovely set, thanks


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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 09:24:25 PM »
I feel your pain, it is truly one of my most frustrating issues with this hobby, if it was scarcity or over whelmed with requests I understand, but in my world and I mean my entire life, I find if hard to swallow that I have to chase people trying to get them to take my money ??? ??? ???


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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 05:43:29 PM »

Sorry to spam you but, I would highly recommend these as well:

Lovely set I purchased from Alexander via Ebay which I believe he usually has up as an auction.

Mark  8)
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peter michael prow

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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 05:10:27 PM »
Thank you very much, I'll check out Berlinner Zinnfiguren, I found them decent in the past. In truth, I don't mind paying a little extra for the convenience of using a debit card rather than bank transfers.

I'm not a collector, it's waaay to difficult and as a single dad Kulmbach isn't an option, Sets really aren't an issue to me either, just a few good looking figures on the shelf is all I'm after. I work for Games Workshop, but I find painting that style of figure soooooo restrictive, there's room for expression and style with flats. And even the more expensive collectible Mignots are till reasonable compared to our miniatures!

I'm interested in anything, thanks, I find I love the Frank figures as the horses are a joy to paint, Particularly Chassuers a Cheval, Line and Guard and any Hussars and staff would be greatly welcome, as would the stationary Hussars from the Blue King set, which I would cheerfully sell my soul/mother/child for!

I'm currently painting Mignot camel riders, a greatly appreciated gift, a Frank lassalle and the Blue King Hussars, I'll share the photos soon :)



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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 04:38:05 PM »
Unfortunately the word seems to be that Jacques at Glorious Empires has become a very uncertain respondent to emails.  Much of his line is also now sold via Berliner Zinnfiguren who does have stock on and hand and are responsive but, somewhat more expensive.  (They also have the added benefit of pictures for everything.)  2d Figures is also a direct and cheaper option as well.

If you have any specific wants someone may be able to help you out here as pretty much everyone has a large backlog we are cruising through.  I probably could help you out a bit - I will check as I believe I have a small number of Frank Napoleonics but, no complete sets.

Things do seem to be shifting with many of the older vendors moving on - Go International, Krog - with a resultant shift of moulds and resources.  However, many of the new breed seem to have an internet presence so there have been pluses as well.  Collecting specific engravers is certainly more challenging now.

Good luck.

Mark  8)

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peter michael prow

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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 04:37:46 PM »
Thank you for the replies,
There's some nice stuff on 2d, and I'll be bidding on the ebay figures-theres actually the very first flat I painted when I was a kid, 30 years ago!


Nicholas Ball

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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 04:02:26 PM »
Peter, if you look up the 2D site in vendors you will find that Brian has a fair few GE figures available.

You could send him a PM.


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Re: Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 02:54:24 PM »
Dear Peter,

the fastest method might be having a look at this seller at ebay

offering site a lot of napoleonics - among others - .

I think both Mrs. Ochel and Mr. Vullinghs are still "available" but it may take some time for them to answer.

Best regards


peter michael prow

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Kieler Napoleonics.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 01:16:49 PM »
Hi all,
I've had a couple of years off painting flats, mainly due to the frustration of never being able to get hold of the figures I want and receiving very bad castings, however I'm back and enjoying it again.

I'm trying to place an order with Kieler-Erika Ochel. I've sent a couple of emails and received no replies after several weeks. Is there another way of ordering? Alternatively does anyone have any Frank engraved napoleonics they would like to sell?

Also, Is Glorius Empires still running as a mail order option?
Many Thanks,