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News / Re: Carrousel of Louis the XIVth
« Last post by Richard on June 01, 2024, 06:21:24 AM »
HelloHere is the 4th team of King Louis XIV's carousel, the Americans. The 5th and final series, the Persians, will soon be engraved.All the best
Gallery / Re: Burgundy II
« Last post by snagy on May 31, 2024, 01:16:08 PM »
I was off for some days, that's why I am in delay! :-[
Beautiful and charasterictic paintwork - as usual!
However, I miss a nice flag from the representation of the gang!
Vendors - Vendor Announcements / Re: Koss Figures Time Out
« Last post by John Alberts on May 30, 2024, 11:18:54 AM »
Look forward to supporting your new catalog with a purchase, am interested in the subject matter.
Vendors - Vendor Announcements / Re: Koss Figures Time Out
« Last post by Panzer21 on May 30, 2024, 03:47:58 AM »
Dear Neil,
I am in the process of creating a new catalogue. I have to change all the order numbers, otherwise I will lose too much time trying to find the right figures. In addition, I have received several new engraved figures in recent years, which unfortunately are not yet included in the catalogue. There are new lansquenets, new knights and Spanish cavalry. I have also started a brand new series on the Hungarian War of Succession between Zapolya and Ferdinand I. I am currently having stradiots, Hungarian and Turkish light cavalry engraved for the period around 1530.  The first figures have already been engraved here too.
I hope to be finished with the new order numbers by 30 July 2024. Then I can send you a catalogue by email.
Unfortunately, I have completely lost track.  So I still need some time.

Thank you Stefan. I look forward to the product of your labours! ☺
The list of new engravings is mouthwatering!
Vendors - Vendor Announcements / Re: Koss Figures Time Out
« Last post by marko on May 29, 2024, 02:05:02 PM »

First of all good luck on this, one forgets the amount of toil associated with producing flat figures.  If you wish when you have a catalog it could also be added to the list of Vendor Catalogs on this site.

Vendors - Vendor Announcements / Re: Koss Figures Time Out
« Last post by Stefan on May 29, 2024, 12:59:17 PM »
Dear Neil,
I am in the process of creating a new catalogue. I have to change all the order numbers, otherwise I will lose too much time trying to find the right figures. In addition, I have received several new engraved figures in recent years, which unfortunately are not yet included in the catalogue. There are new lansquenets, new knights and Spanish cavalry. I have also started a brand new series on the Hungarian War of Succession between Zapolya and Ferdinand I. I am currently having stradiots, Hungarian and Turkish light cavalry engraved for the period around 1530.  The first figures have already been engraved here too.
I hope to be finished with the new order numbers by 30 July 2024. Then I can send you a catalogue by email.
Unfortunately, I have completely lost track.  So I still need some time.
Vendors - Vendor Announcements / Re: Koss Figures Time Out
« Last post by Panzer21 on May 28, 2024, 04:23:41 AM »
Herr Koss,

Did you ever resume production/ taking orders?

If yes, how does one go about ordering?


Gallery / Re: Burgundy II
« Last post by Hannibal on May 27, 2024, 05:16:50 PM »
As before, the style of the painting is estonishing and beautiful !!

The only comment is that the subjects are under-exposed, too dark, due to the brillance of the background, too bright, which mask the details od the characters and the armours ...

By giving more light, one can better see the beauty opf the soldiers.  The solution is either to correct the pictures before issue (but the background becomes quiet bright), or to use a background softer, such as cream, light brown , or ivory;

Gallery / Re: Burgundy II
« Last post by Christoph on May 27, 2024, 04:26:04 PM »
Many thanks for your kind comments.

Here is the next picture. Crossbow men  and with a mounted captain and his servant.


Gallery / Re: First try
« Last post by Goatmajor on May 26, 2024, 02:40:15 AM »
That is so helpful Hannibal ! Thank you !
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