Author Topic: Louis XIII Jeanne d'Arc and others  (Read 1798 times)

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Re: Louis XIII Jeanne d'Arc and others
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2014, 10:14:40 AM »
The "Goldene Zeltlager" was 1520 and has nothing to do with Louis XIII. Louis XIII. was king of France during the 30-years war (1618-1648) 100 years later.
The Gottstein figures look a bit different as on your picture. Maybe they are from Heinrichsen, too ???

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Re: Louis XIII Jeanne d'Arc and others
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 09:44:23 AM »
Hallo Bohemond,
!. "Das goldene Zeltlager" was edited by Gottstein. Now the"Leipziger Zinnfigurenfreunde" are owner of the moulds.
Look at where you can ask. I don´t now when they make the next casting.

2. This Jeanne d Arc figures are available at They are on stock. You must mail to Mrs.Grobe (owner), she
accepts PayPal.
It´S "3069 Jeanne dÁrc Reiterangriff", 40 figures, engraved 1923 (Frank ?), 79.- €.

3. Similar Standard bearers are at ; Flachfiguren; Unbemalt; Militärgeschichte; Renaissance; Div.;
"Triumphzug Kaiser Maximilian I." or "Bannerträger zu Pferd" (100/25/...).
They accept PayPal, too.

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Louis XIII Jeanne d'Arc and others
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2014, 03:34:01 AM »
    Hello Friends ! I am interested where is possible to find and buy the following flat figures : 1. Epoque de Lois XIII 2. Epoque de Jeanne d'Arc 3. Standard bearers but exactly like on the pictures .