Hello again,
Thanks for the kind comments, though I'm aware of the many shortcomings in the paint job, not least that they were done over several years, some in oils, some acrylics, generally a bit of an experimental hotchpotch.
Well remembered there, I did have them at Figureworld.
Thanks for the ID info on figure origins, the encyclopaedic knowledge of members amazes me. I'll have to do some research on Retter.
As to what they represent, I would have gone with Classical Greek light infantry or psiloi, but such things may sometimes still appear as 'Trojan War' in catalogues, as ideas of what that period looked like were sometimes confused with Classical images in the past... before archaeology gave us a better picture (we hope).
Looking forward to Folkestone on Saturday, and seeing you all there, should be a rrockin' show!
Thanks again - Tony