French Line Dragoons 1809 – 1813
This set consist of Mr. Vullinghs (Glorious Empires) former moulds which I have bought last year. It always has been a favourite of mine. The set LD 26 had 18 30mm horsemen.
All figures – except for the trumpeter - have been re-engraved by Daniel Lepeltier who was its engraver originally, too. All figures had been clad in the uniform according to the 1812 „Bardin“ regulation which in fact haven´t been used widely before 1814/1815. Until 1813 (incl. the dragoon units coming back from Spain in1813) wore the older cut of long tails etc. Now all moulds have been changed accordingly by Lepeltier. Changes are marked in red on the line-drawings shown.
Furthermore I have added 6 more figures. For these (shown al last row) I was able to use some Rousselot drawings which had been engraved in 1926 by Frauendorf in 28mm. To avoid repetition the drawings - changed to old uniform and somewhat enlarged – have been mirrored, too. These are the figures marked T, U, V, W, X, Y.
A new trumpeter "Y" was engraved after a design of Leliepvre, kindly given to me by M. Becavin, the owner of the Quadri Concepts serie. The ascending officer is based on a drawing by Rousselot never engraved (originally a cuirassier).
The original trumpeter of former set „C“ couldn´t be changed as he wears the Imperial livery. He will not be counted but casted for free. So the set comprises 23 figures officially.
This set is now available at ebay here :