Author Topic: Edward III, King of England with Standards (3)  (Read 2985 times)

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Edward III, King of England with Standards (3)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2018, 04:15:54 AM »
Edward III, King of England with Standards (3);sa=view;id=12674

Paint'd by:    (unknown)
Edited by:     Wolfgang Friedrich, and also Berliner zinnfiguren 278/20
                         Standard of England
Engr'd by:     Wolfgang Friedrich
Drawing:       Dr. Ulrich Lehnart
Source    :     .
Size(mm):    30mm
Pict from:      Lars Knabe, remastered by Hannibal on black background
Pict No.:        1
Comments:    Picture used on public to sell the painted flats (all five flats together)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 06:29:00 AM by Hannibal »
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)