
AFCFEF - L’Association des Figurinistes et Collectionneurs de Figurines de l’Est de la FranceFrench Flat Figures Association 1566
AG Fantasy KLIOFantasy figures2929
Les CanonniersFrench site with all kinds of stunning examples of flats & 3 dimensional figures2816
Carlinen The Swedish Tin Figure ClubVariety of eras3053
Chevalieurs-du-centaureFrench site with some stunning show coverage2913
Dutch Model Soldiers SocietyVariety of eras. On the website a lot of links to manufacturers. Also selling lot of flats 30mm of Dutch themes.2660
The Figure ForumFrench site with translation built in. A wide variety of wonderful work.2902
Figure Mad SiteVariety of Galleries3193
Figures, Model SoldiersPictures from show worldwide2703
La Grenade de RubellesFrench site with wonderful show coverage2982
Goslar Tin Figure MuseumAlso reviewed in Jounal #1063609
Musee des Hussards de TarbesFrench Hussar Museum1303
HZ-ForumGerman Site12211
KlioVariety of eras4146
KLIO Baden-WuttemburgVariety of eras2841
National Tin Museum - NetherlandsVariety of eras4041
Stadt-Museum, Bergdorf, GermanyVariety of eras2870
Vereinigung Freie Zinnfigurensammler e.V.VFZ Site2854
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