Author Topic: KLIO Schmalkalden  (Read 3846 times)

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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2020, 04:08:23 PM »

Well it's this weekend!   if your there have a good one!!


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2020, 10:45:59 AM »

Still looks like it's on ;)
Me and the misses will not be there, still to much hassle with this covid19 to come over :( 


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2020, 01:59:30 AM »

as for the record - I am scheduled to have a table there.
Liquorice, sire, is not the least important of our benefits out of the dark heart of Arabia.



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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2020, 04:21:04 PM »
Thanks Brian!!!!

I hope we will meet in Schmalkalden and I hope many tinfigure collectors and painters find the way to our meeting!!

Christian, Kettwig (Germany)
Privatoffizin Kettwiger Zinnfiguren / Kettwiger tin figures


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2020, 03:49:33 AM »
Fortunatly Schmalkhalden is in Thuringia. A part of Germany where theyact with the Corona Lockdown with some mind.


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2020, 03:09:54 AM »
If it happens it looks like it will be the show of the year!!


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2020, 01:48:08 AM »
fantastic ! I hope to be..............  ;) ;D
"on paints first with the brain, rather than with the brushes..."


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2020, 12:10:50 AM »
It should be added that we Mike Michaelis and Wolfgang Bock are also there.  :)
best regards


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Re: KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2020, 11:55:57 AM »
S..., I would have liked to be there and we would have scheduled a common trip but it is my daughter in law birthday (40, but don't say it) and I cannot avoid it ;) ;) :) :)


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KLIO Schmalkalden
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2020, 07:14:48 AM »

This is still on as far as I know but things could change
I was going but we will see!
A list of traders hoping to be there

Aussteller bei den Zinnfigurentagen in Schmalkalden (Angaben gem. Anmeldung) 
Andrä, Martin Andreß, Sylvio Bakat, Bernhard / Zinnfiguren aus Eschwege Baret ,Félix Bauer, Kuno Behring, Michael Belaschk, Detlef Dangelmaier, Wilfried Dr. Dau, Eberhard / Zinnfiguren Fleesensee Debernitz, Harald Demazure, Luc / 20mm-Figuren Dittmar, Frank / Schmalkalder Zinnfiguren Dürre, Michael Ebert, Heinz-Peter Elbertse Bert / miniatures and history Fourquet, Philippe Fritz, Ingo Gampe, Stefan / Historicum Heiss-Hasala, Marcus / Hadriansvilla Hesse, Erdmann Höhne, Ralph  Hofmann, Gert von Kolpinski, Michael / Der Bunte Rock Kopf-Tintelnot, Mario Kufahl, Bernd Leibelt, Bernd Levec Manfred Marschall, Gerald / Paradoxzinn Mol, Jan Willem / lifecolor Nederland Mönninghoff, Gerhard Mummert Thomas / VFZ Muxfeldt, Otto Nadebor, Gerald Neckel, Rolf Dr. Neumann, Diego Peter, Uwe Pfandzelter, Reinhold Rein, Peter / KLIO Berlin Reussner, Joachim Scharbau, Holger Scheibe, Jörg
Schmidtchen, Lutz / B&S Zinnfiguren Schum, Hans-Georg Seele, Thomas Sieland, Jürgen / Sieland Miniaturen Steinweg, Friedrich Süssmeier, Bettina / Raistinger Zinnfiguren Umhey, Alfred Urbaniak, Thomas  Urbaschek, Bernd / Zinn-Bleisoldaten Urselmann, Rolf Veinannt, Jean-Luc / AFCFEF Voss, Christian / Kettwiger Zinnfiguren  Wang, Kai / Zinnfigurenfreunde Leipzig e.V. Wastl, Richard / KLIO Südbayern Dr. Weiß, Wolfgang Widmann, Benedikt / Jupiter Miniatures Wilken, Alexander Ziegler Volker, Quetzal-Figuren Zinnfigurenmuseum Goslar