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Edward Echyngham

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Now I have received one more addition.

difficult is the word IEVIE: IE means "I" ("ich" in german). The following VIE might be a shortening of the Latin word IBI "there". The letter "I" disappears here because the two words are written together. The change from B to V is often found. The last I is stretched to IE.
This is an interpretation according to the sense.

I have already received the answer: :)

Translation German (English):
DANT dessen (whose) CRACE Huld (mercy) IEVIE ich dort (I there) ATEN erwarte (expect) EN ESPOIR in Hoffnung (in hope)

Answering the question was harder than I thought. Through a friend whose daughter studies ancient languages and is interested in celtic, I have now received an answer. She herself didn't know either, but the question was forwarded through her to a specialist at an English university.
The words are a mixture of Anglo-Saxon, Norman and French. They should actually come from the period around 1390 to 1410.

In German the saying means:

(Klar) und sicher
(dessen) Huld (ich) dort erwarte in Hoffnung

Whereby even the specialist is not 100% sure about the first part.

My English is too bad to translate this. I will try it anyway: ::)
(Clear) and safe
(whose) mercy (I) expect there in hope

I have now still asked to decipher the individual letters for me. Otherwise the flag can not be labeled.
I hope that I will also get this answer.

Hello Martin,

thanks for your contribution!
Frank has started to give this inscription a meaning, (involving Hobbes and his philosophical thoughts)
and I helper with a bit more erath-bound sense in it  :)

I hope he will give us some examples of his work soon.

Hallo Jörg
ich habe eine Kopie eines alten Buches auf dem Rechner, das Original Banner ist zu finden, aber ohne Motto, im Verzeichnis wird er Ichingham genannt.
Auf drei Seitiger Auflistung der Mottos ,ebenfalls nicht erwähnt.


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