Author Topic: A diorama arises  (Read 43935 times)

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A diorama arises
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 06:05:58 AM »
A diorama arises: Connewitz 1813

To mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Nations is currently being built for a new diorama Dölitz the gatehouse.There is the hitherto little noticed fights
present in the south of Leipzig.
The pictures document the emergence and to the current status
The first figure is the diorama, so we can at this point here are the secrets of the Leipzig diorama building airing:
1 always the right mediums [ Guests cannot view attachments ]
2 modern technology in the diorama [ Guests cannot view attachments ]
3 and plenty of nature
4 Housing program, from day laborer house, elegant apartment buildings and
suburb residences to 1813. [ Guests cannot view attachments ]

My task is to solve the Building Program.
I address a contemporary techniques as known in model railway area.
The windows and some other elements were cut by LaserCat technique in scale 1:55.
Main component of the model homes are 2mm papp,
covered with a self-hardening Modeliermasse clay.
In this Modeliermasse different representations can be a model.
Here are some pictures of the almost realistic representation, with damaged windows, cracks in brickwork, wooden beams and bricks.

- The house under construction 
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- The building kompette "The Saxon House" in color with a lot of equipment. The roof is not covered brick!
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best regards