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John Alberts:
Clever framing and pulled off expertly

From the short tour at the Sèvres competition in France, here are my two favorite pieces.

I shall have a look too!!!
Was in Francd for one week, now back home.... and to painting in three days....

Ulrich Lehnhard edited fantastic figures for the battle of Nicopolis 1396.

In chapter 168 you can listen, how it came to this battle,
smashing the European Knighthood.

Thank you Joerg, I have seen several times flats related to this battle of Lechfeld, without understanding the background, and because it occurred before the first crusades, my typical starting point of the middle age ..
Now it gives me a clearer understanding and perhaps the tempation fo paint any character I might have in my grey army, or get some when opportunity shall occur.

I had the same attitude with the battle of Woerringen till I was briefed by U. Lehnart and I acquired the serie, still for painting , in Turkey ...

Thank you therefore, and perhaps other chapters of this link are as interessant as this one , to be looked in a second step...  Good for my general historical culture !!


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