Forum > Figure Identification/Search
ww1 and animal flats
--- Quote from: gerhard on June 13, 2024, 03:05:54 AM ---I think these are Ideal Moulds for selfcasting of semiflat Figures, for Kids.The form of the moulds is, as far as I know, typical for Ideal Formen
--- End quote ---
Thank you, I have been reading Ideal as Jdeal
Do you know the country of origin and apx date ?
I think these are Ideal Moulds for selfcasting of semiflat Figures, for Kids.The form of the moulds is, as far as I know, typical for Ideal Formen
The animals are pretty cool. I am sure someone here will know for sure.
I am wondering if these are some type of a kids kit that allows them to cast their own figures. I have seen a variety of these and this has a similar look to it. Molten metal melted on a stove and poured from a sauce pan, what could happen.
Hi everyone I have recently inherited these flat moulds I've tried search around but no luck with finding anything. Hoping someone here my be able to help, any information greatly appreciated
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