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Help ID-ing Danes


Thank you Gerhard, I have done some online research and the uniform does appear to be c.1864 Danish so I think these are the figs.edited by Hafer in 1964. What I thought was a letter J looks like the way the letter I is printed in the catalogue so would indicate Infanterie.

gerhard gady:
According to "Die Zinnfigur"  Mr. Hafer edited in 1964 Danish Infantry attacking for the German-Danish War of 1864.
But I am no expert in the uniforms of this war. I only know that the Danish looks very like the Austrian Infantry of that era.


I have some 30mm figures of Danish soldiers bought from ebay. The bases are engraved WH which I am assuming is Wolfgang Hafer and also HL in smaller letters so engraved by Hans Lecke.
On the other side of the base is DJ followed by each figs individual number. I'm guessing D is for Danske/Denmark and the J either Jager or it could be an I for Infanterie.

My main question is if anyone knows these figures do the represent Danes in the First Schleswig War 1848-1851 or the Second of 1864?


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