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Where can I find first half 18th cent figures?

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Chris Seeley:
What's wrong with good old fashion paint stripper from the local DIY shop i have always used the B&Q own make even on resin no problems.


--- Quote from: Ed Humphreys on January 16, 2013, 04:40:05 PM ---The problem is that my local chemist can only supply small quantities, as it seems that ordering large quantities puts me under suspicion of terrorist activities.

Ed H

--- End quote ---

 ;D Ed's sleeper cell lurks, ready to strike. 
At work, we consume 4 liter bottles of acetone weekly for parts cleaning.  But now that you mention it, there seem to be not so many places in the US where you can buy it for other than industrial use.  Browsing chemical distributor's websites, looks like it would be expensive to buy a container for personal use even if they'd sell it to you with no questions asked.

Nail polish remover might be a reasonable alternative.

Ed Humphreys:
The problem is that my local chemist can only supply small quantities, as it seems that ordering large quantities puts me under suspicion of terrorist activities.

Ed H

Good suggestion, Ed.  Acetone makes a lot of sense, I'll try it next time.

Ed Humphreys:
I usually find Acetone does the trick.

Ed H


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