Forum > Report a Problem

Aug 15 - 17 Site Slowness

(1/2) > >>

Early signs are all positive, again apologies for the long frustrating period.

I also made a few tweaks of things while I was fighting it most notably enabling bulk image upload for things like Kulmbach pictures for those so inclined. 

There is a FAQ here about it

Let me know of any other issues.

Mark  8)

This has completed.  Cross the fingers now.

Mark.  8)

We are in the process of being moved to a new server which should hopefully put things back to normal.  Should be done in about 4 hours - there will be no interruption.


Give me a ping, Vasily. One ping only, please.

                                                               Marko Ramius

Yes, Glen seems to be behaving itself since I poked them at mid-day, let's hope it settles down at last.

I have also installed some site monitoring to ping the site and alert me when there is an issue so hopefully if we have problems in the future I can provide the ISP something more actionable.  It will ping the site from the US and EU to make sure it is continuing to function and alert me if it is having issues.



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