Author Topic: Memory of Kulmbach  (Read 4642 times)

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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2022, 06:16:06 PM »
Here are some nice pictures on Louis Lilljedahl's site of Kulmbach with quite a few shots of the crew from Sweden as well as some shots of Eric Talmant who looks quite fit and relaxed!  Also quite a few other pictures and names you will recognize as well as great ambiance,  weather, food and company.  (A lot to be jealous about but, exactly what these kinds of shows are supposed to be - everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves immensely.)

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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2022, 03:56:34 PM »
A very nice gallery. Almost like being at the show!
Thanks Michel and to all those who contributed to this effort. We appreciate your efforts.
BFFS Member,
N. American Rep.
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PHOTOS of Kulmbach
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2022, 09:53:42 AM »
I have loaded some 422 photos of Kulmbach 2022 in the Show Galleries (completed on Monday).
International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society - Kulmbach 2022 (

They contains ALL flats of the contest , I think (although I did not go to Kulmbach), thanks to the contribution of sixteen photographers listed and referred to for each photo, a remarkable support to remember this event !!

The particularity this year is that all the flats are persented IN THE SEQUENCE of their positions on the display tables, from the Junior to the MASTER dioramas !  It is a sort of virtual visit of the contest, thanks to the excellent photos from Claudio De Angelis, and from Les Feles du Modelisme (David?).

If any error, or additionnal info is useful to have complete and correct data, please send me an MP, or add in the comments at the bottom of the description, for the benefit of the Community, especially when using the "search" function..

Thank you!

« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 01:19:11 AM by Hannibal »
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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2022, 07:07:29 PM »
Thanks Mar-tin! A great deal of variety and originality on display.

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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2022, 01:00:38 PM »
My Show Picture in Shows-Kulmbach 2022 (Flat Figure)


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2022, 05:17:04 PM »
Thanks to all for the nice pictures!

BG Christian
Christian, Kettwig (Germany)
Privatoffizin Kettwiger Zinnfiguren / Kettwiger tin figures


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2022, 12:00:42 PM »
Really nice play by play Brian, it does sound like a delightful three days!

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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2022, 11:55:26 AM »
A few more photos


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2022, 11:44:28 AM »
It's Sunday, last day at the show and only till 12.00 then it's goodbye till next time

Table again all sorted and members can just drift too and from as no set times to man the display, no Eric this morning, don't remember saying goodbye me old mate but hope you got home okay, poor old Benedikt did not look good at all but struggled to the end with help from his friends,  last figures to get and the group photo was taken and we wait for Nick to tell us how they did in the comp,  once again we could go on all day but lets just say well done Nick on silver

12.00 and it is all over so a quick goodbye to all the traders and we go to the bar to get ready for the bus to take us up the hill to the Plassenburg as we're way to tired and old to walk. After two hours we are in the museum and at the BFFS display, a few new figures and old replaced,  this is the first time I have seen the display and I'm impressed and seeing the "painting project" figures was a joy.

Next we had a guided tour around the museum so much more interesting having someone telling you how, why, when and who did it, gives more to the figures. A few more photos and back down to the square and yep in the bar again and reminisce on the weekend and the judging, as said we could go on all day but we always have a moan at any comp even if we win hahaha 

Well the guys all started to get back to their hotels, Bill was to get a taxi and at the same time paid for all the beers,  cheers Bill.

So that's it,  one of the best Kulmback's in a long time, and just to say if your thinking of coming to the next one you'll have a big welcome from the guys from the BFFS and it'll be your round hahaha             


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2022, 03:30:00 PM »
Saturday!  got to the table and all was sorted so it's a day of more figures to buy and friends to talk too

Eric was still selling his figures and even our Ed joined in and sold one of his dioramas!!

I got talking to Rick Sanders who has published a new book on the flags of Teutonic Knights very well illustrated with flat figures, BFFS has a few books for sale  ;)     Still wandering around got to meet up with most editors for a chat,  that is other than Wolfgang Bock, got to his table a few times but he was doing the same as me on a walk chatting, next time we will get to have a drink together!  It was the same with most of the traders, always busy!

My time on the table again and still lots of interest in the figures and the BFFS, even got a few new members and old paying their subs which is always good, Christine "found" a box of 2D figures and got them on the table, we're in the money!!

We had members and friends from the USA with us Art, Bill and Penny and again loads of talk and story's to be told, and at the evening dinner which Nick sorted it was again around 20 of us and a great meal was had and poor old Nick could start to relax hahaha

In the square it was Italian night,  we had lots of exotic Italian super cars to look at and a pop group playing, it was very busy and very good

Walking back to the hotel we stopped to have a beer with Dirk and his mates till again last orders, Benedikt had already gone as feeling unwell.

Well that's Saturday finished,  can't say what we watched on TV as too tired, but tomorrow is the last day and only till 12.00  then we are up to the castle to the flats museum.     


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2022, 07:47:12 AM »
Agree  :)  would be good to see the figures, I have none just photos of the painters  ;)


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2022, 03:46:18 PM »
I am told sometimes folks take pictures at these events particularly of the figures.  It would be great to see some of this output????

Or does one conclude based on Brian's note that you are all still recovering from the celebration - it sounds like a wonderful show and get together?  (After the last two years one can only imagine...)

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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2022, 03:18:26 PM »
Big day Friday!  let the show begin  ;D    John R is not with us yet so I have his pass and I was there to help Ed with the table and at 09.00 the door opened and a trickle of people came in, we're thinking it's Friday, it's early and today is for the enthusiast but this was the whole weekend,  not as many as other years but still enough there.

Ed on the table so off Christine and myself go looking at the stands, and meeting up with old friends that we have not seen in years, it took ages  to get around the tent as everyone want's to talk a meet up!!  I have a list for others but there's so much to see and with a few of the traders not making it not an easy job.

It's now coming up to my turn on the table for a hour with Phillippe,  lot's of fun trying to understand and be understood!! it's good I had Phillippe there hahaha.

Eric commandeered a bit of the table to sell his figure and they where flying to new owners!  then I noticed the rest of the guy's had prices on their painted figures and again they were selling!!   Think I missed a trick there,  I came with idea to just have a good time so left all 2D's figures behind and yet here I am again selling figures ???  anyway John R is with us now so now he has his pass and I go looking for Ed, yep you guessed sitting at a bar so felling a little hot , yes the sun is still beating down, I join him for a beer, this was rather good, as my good mate Joerg joined us and paid for the round, then Nick, Trev and Gerry turned up and sat with us and not sure how but the next round was paid for,  then Nick and the guys left to the compertion and some more friends sate to join Ed and me and yep you got it another round was paid for, so we went for a quick drink and 3 pints later and we have not paid a cent, I like Kulmbach     
Time to look in the club hall, again lots of friends to talk to and one embarrassing point,  got myself a bottle of Coke and it would seem that everyone was shocked it was not beer,  believe me I drink a lot of Coke Cola :)  then we had a look in the comp room, well again not much there but what was was to a great standard, I would not want to judge that one!!

The afternoon passed with more talks and laughs, met up with Angelo twice, another story ( sorry old mate for hi jacking you thread) and Claudio from Italy, both good guys!

Diner was sorted by myself and Benedikt  and a table outside for 20 was booked all was good till the heavens opened and it  chucked it down, and I mean it rained!!  luckily there was room inside but once we got settled it had stopped so we all got outside again, it was bloody hot inside so a good time again had by all till last orders was called and 10.00 we are walking back to our hotels

Watching the Matrix on TV in German is even stranger the our man Tom hahaha         


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Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2022, 12:13:38 PM »
Been waiting for someone to post how the weekend was  :o   so here goes

Me and Christine got to the hotel on Thursday afternoon and after a quick freshen up we got down to the tent, a box of figures in hand but not needed, the table was sorted and looking good!

After talking to a few of the traders we got out of the tent and sitting at a bar is our Ed so we joined him for a few beers and chat, Nick and the guys arrived and sat with us for a while, time was passing and Benedikt and his mates ask us to join them for diner at a restaurant just around the corner, Nick would have to get to their hotel and Ed back to the campsite so would not see them again tell Friday.

We had a good diner and even Rod and Richard joined us, just getting to Kulmbach so still had their cases, all was good, we had beer, food, good company and a nice warm evening ahead of us till last orders was called!!   it's only 9.30 but we all had to leave by 10.00, not sure what was going on we made our way back to the hotel, all the bars in the town are closed and getting to the hotel their restaurant and bar was closed for the weekend!!   Covid was still having a bad effect on the region and the bars had no staff so where closed or shutting early

So a early night was had, we caught Tom Cruise  in Top Gun on the TV,  very strange in German but the aircraft are always good to see
Well that's the first day,  another three to go if I can remember what happened I'll post it, but a real good time was had  ;) 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 01:57:59 PM by marko »

Re: Memory of Kulmbach
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2022, 02:28:30 PM »

   Hope all of you had a great time at Kulmbach 8)  So is there a beer shortage in Germany now since you left ::)  Willie