Forum > Color Recipes

Flesh tone

(1/2) > >>

Yep spot on ;)

Excellent Eric, thank you.  :)

Here are the three last steps
I add highlights with a mix of white and cadmium yellow and some shadows with my two violets
Then I add a few details...
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I could keep on adding highlights and shadows for more and more relief, but I thought it was enough
Of course it is each one decision to stop the painting at a moment when satisfied

Last pictures of the finished bodies, both sides
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Next post : the horse


To Marko : thank you for the trick about inline pictures

This is brillant Eric though as you note I am surprised at the numbers of colors used - can't argue with the results though which are consistently first rate.

Mark  8)

P.S. I took the presumptious liberty of editing your post and moving your pictures up - the way to do it is explained here under under Displaying Images Inline with Text.

If you're going to demonstrate painting flesh naked is the way to go.  ;D

Very good Eric, I've saved this and am looking forward to the next installment.


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