Oh ! PJ ! I wish you are right ..... Then .... I can conti nue to buy more !!!!! ah! ah!
I went today (and tomorrow), to my first show post Covid, in a small town of 10,000 inhab. in the North of France, close to Belgian border, called "Vieux Condé. It is the 17-th show of figurines, flats and models, in a large sport room.
It was so warm and pleasant to see many unkown friends sharing the same passion together, a smile on their face ...
Let's hope we an attend many more and for a long time, with the positive feelings detected, although, unhappily so many works are dealing with tanks, warships, soldiers and death on the tables ... How can we love war so much to be so tightened up to it!0 And it is not for a célébration or reminding, too many weapons are still used daily in our countries so-coalled 'in peace', that it is insane !
We should destroy them all instead of venerating them... Is human being really fitted for peace? Shall we never become wise and mature enough to get rid of all of this one day? .Apparently no! (and it generates so much money and profit for some).