For anyone collecting Flat Figures related to the Napoleonic Wars you will eventually come across the name of the Editor Thiel and Michael Knoll who acquired most of the Thiel moulds. He produced a number of high quality figures related to the French Grande Armee which were a bit unique. As Gianpaolo Bistulfi states in BFFS Journal 68, "The most interesting feature is that the catalogue includes figures which you seldom see by other editors, ie: undress uniforms, Engineers, camp activities etc.” (I am particularly taken with a number of horse soldiers in a river bathing their mounts.)
The figures occasionally come up on Ebay Germany and generally go for high bids - they are mainly engraved by L. Frank and Sixtus Maier which also explains the value. Alexander Baden notes: "Mr. Meinecke always has some of his figures there" at Kulmbach.
Knoll never produced an official catalogue but, did provide a variety of individual pages which thanks to the kindness of Jörg Scheibe and Alexander Baden are now available here. Alexander also has provided a listing of figures from 1991 for those who wish to pursue collecting these delightful figures.

Knoll Archive - Listing - Catalog Pages & Articles
Alexander Baden also has a number of stunning painted examples on his site as well as some further information on the figure list included here..: