Trying to explain the way I paint flesh of so called "white people"
I choose a nice figure from Wolfgang Hafer, design Ludwig Madlener, engraving Hans Lecke, 30mm
It shows an equestrian academy in Greece and the interest for the purpose is that there are a man and a woman
See the first picture
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About undercoat I just put one thin coat of titanium white from the Alkyd Winsor and Newton range; as I paint with oil and rather thick there is no need of several coats; one is enough
My medium still is 1/3 linen oil mixed wiyh 2/3 clarified turpentine
The colours I will use (see the picture left to right) : titanium white, naples yellow, yellow ochre, cadmium red, flesh ochre, alizarine carmine, burnt sienna , burnt umber, van dyck brown, ultramarine blue; this makes a lot but some of them are used in very small quantity, for instance cadmium red for lips and cheeks, just a point; most of them are from the Lefranc Bourgeois range with some Rembrandt
I do not know if the pictures will be really significant (I am a poor photographer), but... lets go !
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The first step is to cover the whole figures (man and woman, w'ill deal with the horse later) with the basic flesh tone : titanium white, naples yellow, yellow ochre, flesh ochre, rather clear for the woman and deeper for the man by the addition of burnt sienna
I then start to put some light where needed with titanium white + naples yellow
Then the first shadows with pure flesh ochre for the woman and a mix flesh ochre + burnt sienna for the man
And then a new work on the highlights (same as above)
Here comes a more original way of shadowing ; I use violet made with more or less white, ultramarine blue and alizarine carmine; the violet will be redish for the woman and bluish for the man; this was one the Douchkine way
At the end of this session a little red was added on the lips and cheeks and the hair were painted
I will go back to the figures tomorrow when the paint will have dried a little; I will accentuate lights and shadows and warm the two figures (there is sun in Greece !)
A most important think : all this has been made in the wet
To be continue ....