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Gallery / Chidren Time
« Last post by Richard on December 21, 2024, 12:00:58 PM »
This period is willingly dedicated to children.
 So why not this image?
For Sale/Trade/Wants / Re: WW2 figures for sale
« Last post by Hannibal on December 20, 2024, 03:41:48 PM »
Thanks for this nice proposal, Barry, and for your sign of life on the forum !!

Unfortunately my interest in History stops before Napoleon period, although your conversion rate from euros to British Pounds is a real opportunity.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas in family soon,

For Sale/Trade/Wants / WW2 figures for sale
« Last post by barryw on December 20, 2024, 05:19:51 AM »
Hi, I have just bought a mixed box of flats containing some figures which do not fit my area of interest so they are "for sale" if anyone is interested. They are illustrated in the Berliner Zinnfiguren catalogue
German Infantry 271//080 10 figures BZ price 21.95 Euros £7
German Tiger Panzer 1944 271/044 6 figures BZ price 33.95 Euros  £8
M3 Lee tank 271/058 BZ price 16.95 Euros £ 5 SOLD
US Jeeps 271/082 8 figures BZ price 38.95 Euros £10
US troops 271/056 tank and 22 figures BZ price 56.95 Euros £15 SOLD
Plus postage minimum small parcel 2nd class £3.75, but you can have any service you like
I will also have some American Civil War and Wild West figures when and if I can work out what they are?
PM me, thanks for your interest Barry
General Discussion / Re: Is Fabrice Eisenbach still active?
« Last post by PauloLiber on December 09, 2024, 02:09:35 PM »
Try this email:
I bought some figures some years ago using it.
Good luck

Thanks Alberto.

That's the e-address that I used but got no answer.
General Discussion / Re: Is Fabrice Eisenbach still active?
« Last post by alberto on December 09, 2024, 02:03:00 PM »
Try this email:
I bought some figures some years ago using it.
Good luck
General Discussion / Re: Is Fabrice Eisenbach still active?
« Last post by PauloLiber on December 09, 2024, 08:55:04 AM »
I googled and found this site:

Thank you Socko47.

That's the site where I got the email address.

I already sent him two emails but got no answer.

Is there any alternative to reach him?

This second volume about the beautiful flat figures by Hans Müller of Erfurt expands on the first volume, presenting updates on the vendors, more information about the images that Müller used to conceive the figures, and new photos of figures painted by talented collectors. The photos will include ones that were not available when the book was originally published in the spring of 2021 and introduces ones by eight collectors who have joined this collaborative effort. The book will have both the texts and the captions in English and German. The book will be between 80 and 100 pages on A4 size paper (11.5”x8.25”), softbound. Cost is expected to be Euro 35 (ca. $37 US) or perhaps less plus postage. Publication should occur in early 2025.
If you would like to reserve a copy, email the publisher, Rick Sanders at
General Discussion / Re: WHAT SILENCE !
« Last post by John Alberts on December 07, 2024, 11:44:46 AM »
Clever framing and pulled off expertly
General Discussion / Re: WHAT SILENCE !
« Last post by Richard on December 07, 2024, 10:22:47 AM »
From the short tour at the Sèvres competition in France, here are my two favorite pieces.
General Discussion / Re: WHAT SILENCE !
« Last post by Hannibal on December 07, 2024, 09:55:45 AM »
I shall have a look too!!!
Was in Francd for one week, now back home.... and to painting in three days....
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