I feel grateful towards the Royal Library in Stockholm for temporaly letting free its digitalized newspapers in these Covid-19 times.
An evening just before Christmas 1931 the signature
Razor passed a toy shop full of figures in Stockholm. It remindes him of the toy shop in the small town he grew up in. But there was also something new. Vikings, the battle of Brunkeberg 1471
https://weaponsandwarfare.com/2018/07/20/brunkeberg-1471/and Sami people. The quality of the castings and paintings struck him. He was so amazed that he went to
Tenngjuteriet Mars on Kungsholmen and chatted with Nils Lindberg. According to him the Sami people and battle of Brunkeberg were their bestsellers when it comes to historical and etnographical series. It had took time before these non-military subjects were accepted by the public. By the way, the company was already founded in 1915. The artist John Sjöswärd is mentioned and that his series with a typical Swedish homestead with all its animals also have found favour among girls.
Then the fellow artist Ossian Elgström is interviewed, he had written a book on wargaming a couple of years before. Elgström couldn't explain why he wrote the 1914 publized book, but he thought that there was someting crazy in the air. The work was critzed for dealing with such a childish subject but he also got fan mail even from abroad.
https://tidningar.kb.se/4112678/1931-12-06/edition/0/part/1/page/8/?q=tennfigurer&from=1930-01-01&to=2019-12-31&sort=ascIn 1952 Svenska Dagbladet pondered why flat figures then only recently had became a hobby for adults. The answer was that during the war there was no supply of figures, but then professor Rössner emigrated från Berlin to Sweden. The importance of painting your own figures is stressad. Converting is also dealt with, also the fact that there are civilian figures. Eventhough there already existed a club,
Drabanten, there were those who collected secretly for fear of even their employment.
Of course Holger Ericsson is covered in the newspapers from the postwar period, but he designed 54mm round figures as you all know