Author Topic: not good!!!!  (Read 3071 times)

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Nicholas Ball

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Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2014, 10:22:46 AM »
I must admit, I always thought a club hammer and Bolster were for breaking bricks. :o

You learn something new here every day, what a site!! ;)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2014, 11:15:52 AM »
Many thanks for the encouragement and advice it all helps, tools are very basic  ::) 


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Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2014, 03:56:43 AM »
O my God!
Protect your collection, Brain did it.  :o :o :o

Brain, if this is their first stitch, so he siet but quite good.
a good practice to deal with graver and stone to get to know.
And who is eigendlich Lutwig Frank, if you learn to appreciate Brain figures. ;D :) :)
Even if the edit with slate stone is a very sordid and dusty work, compared to figures of painting. To them, the success one day give right to play God and create people and animals in tin.
One has to do this job on the island, who else, if not they!  ;D ;D ;D
But here are a few points to their mission;

Slate is a layered material, may be in secret, and only come Stäter to the sunlight through the processing.
- Please use if possible, slow running Bohrmaschienen (battery screwdrivers) with stone drills.
- Such cracks can be secured with superglue (no Geel), broken shale bodies may "Milliput" with mass repairing.
-Attention Casting system! Please remember, the way and the casting pressure is of the metal .......
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All elements of the figure, which are above the dashed line, problems with the casting pressure is will behave have in the form.

Make them further, "What does not destroy the stone,
makes only be harder Editor".

best regards

Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2014, 06:58:05 PM »
Ok Brain. You learned something, now try again ;D  This is the way you learn, that's how I have done it :) Never never let any one tell you other wise Willie


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Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2014, 04:19:05 PM »
Unless you dropped it, I'm thinking the stress crack was already there; it just got suddenly bigger.

I'm wondering... is this your first attempt at engraving or your first attempt at engraving a figure (excellent choice BTW)? I'd read - possibly on the old site; not sure - that the first step was to take scrap slate and practice making lines of varying length, width, and depth, but all consistent. The other practice element was ovals and circles, then scooping out portions of consistent contour and depth and eliminating any traces of engraved lines. Are you using basic engravers, like those used for gunstocks and receivers or jewelry, or something specifically made for stone? Also, are power tools (think Dremel or something similar) allowed or is that considered gauche...?

Press on!


Nicholas Ball

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Re: not good!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2014, 03:33:47 PM »
At least you gave it try Brian, although if that's a portrait of me, it doesn't quite work!! the legs should be longer! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

it's probably a dodgy slate, did Ed send it to you from his back garden? ;D ;D ;D ;D


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not good!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 02:52:54 PM »
Lets have a go at engraving I thought  :)  boy this is not the walk in the park that some may think. I've used plaster before with limited success so slate is the way to go but as you can see I messed it up good and proper  ::) :P

But I'm not put off, I think I know what I did wrong! but the slate delaminated no drilling the holes and the engraving itself is a mess, but will have another go ;) these engravers are very talented people