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Gallery / Re: Mignot Gardes d'Honneur
« Last post by John Alberts on October 23, 2024, 10:56:20 AM »
Very impressive work--the filling, modifying, color mixing, and painting!  Then there is the description.  Thank you for the time and effort.  I am really impressed by the green uniform, looks spot on.
Gallery / Re: Mignot Gardes d'Honneur
« Last post by Hannibal on October 22, 2024, 05:23:10 PM »
Beautiful painting, and extremely interesting description of your processing of preparation and painting !
Yes it is very useful, to see how to reach the result as your picture is giving a high définition and access to details.

i am using a very similar technique or registrering my colours, codified by abbréviations (TSB, JdN, RdCdF, TOB,..) and written down in a Word page, listing the parts of the figures, the colour choosen, than three columns for highlingt, mid-tone and shadow containing these abbrevaitions, with + is more than one .

Congratulations also for your Milliput adjustments, and I share with your the same details....

Thank you for this and some excellent tips!!
Gallery / Re: Mignot Gardes d'Honneur
« Last post by marko on October 22, 2024, 02:52:14 PM »
Really sweet job on these.  I have a sweet spot for Mignot and these are nicely painted examples.

Gallery / Mignot Gardes d'Honneur
« Last post by NFlat on October 22, 2024, 01:05:03 PM »
Here are my Mignot figures for the first regiment.  In addition to filling blemishes (Milliput) there were several adjustments made.  The mounted figure needed the lower sabre sling ring added to the scabbard and a trigger guard for the firearm (both from Milliput again).  The trooper saddling up needed the detail on the right-hand side of the grey surcingle removed (it is appropriate for the left-hand side only) and replaced with a single grey leather item.  Both figures had the raised eagle taken off the scabbard and the eagle and number painted on free hand.  Also, the lozenge shaped shako plate was painted over with a representation of an eagle style plate.
Unless stated otherwise the figures were painted in oils as follows.  (Perhaps too much detail for some but these are my notes kept for the record and hopefully useful for others!)
Face primed Model Color Light Flesh 70.928 then painted burnt umber and burnt sienna with white highlights
Shako cadmium red shaded burnt umber and highlighted scarlet
Trouser stripe cadmium red, shaded burnt umber on back side.  Initially it came out too light against the white priming and so given a second coat
Trouser buttons painted in grey mix
Coat & Trousers green from chrome yellow and French ultramarine , highlighted white & Naples yellow mix based on Musée d L’Armée photos.  I believe the original uniforms were dyed blue and then dyed yellow over the top
Pouch lamp black
Gloves yellow ochre, white & burnt Sienna.  There is a thought that some troopers had green gloves but these would not show up so well
Sheepskin Yellow ochre, burnt umber, black, white
Sheepskin vandyking edging green as for jacket & trousers
Saddle tree showing at rear, burnt Sienna, touch of yellow ochre.  White highlight not appropriate as in shadow
Saddle feed bags burnt umber, white, yellow ochre, black
Brass elements Yellow ochre, chrome yellow, burnt umber, white undercoat with Humbrol silver and gold powders mixed as light overpaint
Scabbard Titanium white and ivory black.  No metallic paint
Horse coat Basic coat burnt Sienna and black; black shadows and yellow ochre in some subtle highlights.  Painted with oo brush and as dried dabbed and slightly further blended with a dry no. 1 brush once the paint had started to settle and partially dry (after about 2 hours depending upon temperature).  On reflection, at this stage, highlights (white, burnt Sienna, touch of burnt umber) could have been blended in but they were done once the basic painting was fully dry.  Shadows later deepened with burnt umber and black
Hooves where socks were black were grey with dabs of burnt umber, then white highlight and where the socks were white painted with yellow ochre as the basic colour shaded grey and highlighted white
Base undercoat of Humbrol matt 63 (sand), overcoated yellow ochre, white and burnt umber with blended burnt umber as shadow and at rear and white at front
General Discussion / Re: VID soldiers - flat figures
« Last post by mi3ch on October 22, 2024, 12:59:52 PM »

The set F-009 - Kosciuszko at Raclawice 1794 and polish dancers. This is very rare set was released in 1994.

If you want order this set please welcome to this topic

Shows / Re: Euroma 2024
« Last post by Hannibal on October 22, 2024, 06:14:00 AM »
Please apologise, but I loaded the two pictures of xxx without any correction.
I have cleaned them from lights reflections on the protective glass, andloaded them this morning in the gallery, mid of page 3.

link: [size=78%]International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society - "Donna con orecchino"[/size][size=78%] and the next one, [/size];sa=view;id=22072
News / An Update to the Book on Hans Mueller's Medieval Flats
« Last post by Rick Sanders on October 21, 2024, 03:52:16 PM »
Dear Flat Figure Collector Friends,

I am working on a “Companion” or supplement to the book on the Hans Müller (Erfurt) medieval flats, prompted by information I learned when I attended the Kulmbach Zinnfiguren-Börse this August. My hope is that some of you might like to have photos of some of your Müller figures, which were not included in either the 2021 German or English version, presented in this "Companion" work. Those would be figures completed after April 2021 or ones not submitted for the book.

I was motivated to do this when I learned that Herr Hardy Howey and Frau Kirsten Howey of Burg had obtained all of the now former Tetzel molds! They have also used a newly identified sketch prepared for Hans Müller to have a mold engraved by Wolfgang Friedrich and the figure will appear in the Companion. These developments, combined with new photos of beautifully painted Müller figures and identification of images that served as models for the figures have prompted me to take this ambitious step. This Companion work will give an update on the vendors, present the more recently painted figures, and show the newly identified artwork that inspired Hans Müller and his designer Ludwig Madlener and engraver Ludwig Frank which they used to create these gorgeous figures.

Right now, my plan is to create at least a digital copy of the supplement in dual-language English and German.  I am  looking into options for getting copies printed. Please note, this is all in the draft stage and it could take months, depending on the engagement of other collectors.

I have started a draft of the Companion using photos I have obtained since April 2021 and they are from a large number of collectors, mostly from Germany and Italy and the U.S.. So, if you are interested in participating in this effort, please send me an email.
Rick SandersRichmond, Virginia, USAricksanderszf@gmail.comwebsite:
Shows / Re: Euroma 2024
« Last post by John Alberts on October 21, 2024, 12:19:58 PM »
Thank you
Shows / Re: Euroma 2024
« Last post by Hannibal on October 21, 2024, 10:49:26 AM »
Thank you ....
Shows / Re: Euroma 2024
« Last post by Vitruve on October 20, 2024, 09:30:35 AM »
merci pour le reportage Michel
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