Author Topic: Books  (Read 121518 times)

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Re: Books
« Reply #223 on: January 13, 2023, 06:22:38 PM »

  Today the 5th book in the Series of The Armies and Wars of the Sun King came Buccaneers and Soldiers in The Americas Its a nice book well done . Lots of i information on the action in the Caribbean and South America. Written by Rene Chartrand  Wars and soldiers in the Reign of Louis XIV volume  6 and 7 not printed yet Willie


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Re: Books
« Reply #222 on: December 21, 2022, 12:14:56 PM »
Keep reading and posting Willie

Have a great Christmas!

Re: Books
« Reply #221 on: December 20, 2022, 12:23:55 PM »

 First of all I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a great new year. Just received my late order books. The Danish Army of the Napoleonic Wars 1801-1814
 Vol #3  Norwegian Troops and Militia By David A Wilson. All three of these books are outstanding  8) 8)  Second Gladiators 4th -1st centuries Bc  By Francois Gilbert  So that's it for now keep Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #220 on: November 25, 2022, 05:39:55 PM »
Hi all hope everyone had a good thanksgiving on the side of the pond . I finely got my Armies of the First Sino - Japanese War 1894-95 by Gabriele Esposito a nice book from Osprey.  They have changed the format on line and I was wondering if any of you guys had any problems with you E books . Willie


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Re: Books
« Reply #219 on: October 31, 2022, 11:07:33 AM »
Yes Brian, but within 10 years, I will be in a coffin and can bring the files on usb keys with me !   8) 8)



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Re: Books
« Reply #218 on: October 31, 2022, 10:28:22 AM »
Yes Brian, but within 10 years, I will be in a coffin and can bring the files on usb keys with me !   8) 8)
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Books
« Reply #217 on: October 31, 2022, 08:11:06 AM »
The e-books and mags copied to hard disc is good, but in ten years you computer will not be able to read the disc or program you have saved your details too, the book I can always pick up a read.   


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Re: Books
« Reply #216 on: October 30, 2022, 04:11:14 PM »
Exactly PJ, excellent source of information....
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Books
« Reply #215 on: October 30, 2022, 03:57:29 PM »
Well, like the rest of humanity, we never learn!
I guess we will keep buying books and figures and enjoying them and our friends because we can! 8)
Michel, the show sounds wonderful! I too have the Funken books, and they are my "bibles" on costumes.
BFFS Member,
N. American Rep.
If the world is wrong; then right your own self...Brother Dave Gardner


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Re: Books
« Reply #214 on: October 30, 2022, 06:46:50 AM »
This 2 books are in my hands too. And I love the books by Peter Conolly! There are any figures in my collection designt after this great illustrations. For example Odysseus at boar-hunt, death of Achilles or Hanibal in Capua. All sets by Lampert. I don`t miss this!
Greetings from Saxony


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Re: Books
« Reply #213 on: October 29, 2022, 05:29:08 PM »
But I came back with two books of Lilian and Fred Funken on the costumes and weapons of soldiers of all times, and several magazines about past wars, acquired as second or third hands ...

I am infected too, I am not sure than Human being is even searching for an antidote, because in many countries he is making too much money from wars to even think of eradicate them for ever ! (like cigarettes)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 02:46:51 AM by Hannibal »
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Books
« Reply #212 on: October 29, 2022, 05:24:06 PM »
Oh ! PJ ! I wish you are right ..... Then .... I can conti nue to buy more !!!!!  ah! ah!

I went today (and tomorrow), to my first show post Covid, in a small town of 10,000 inhab. in the North of France, close to Belgian border, called "Vieux Condé. It is the 17-th show of figurines, flats and models, in a large sport room.
It was so warm and pleasant to see many unkown friends sharing the same passion together, a smile on their face ...

Let's hope we an attend many more and for a long time, with the positive feelings detected, although, unhappily so many works are dealing with tanks, warships, soldiers and death on the tables ... How can we love war so much to be so tightened up to it!0   And it is not for a célébration or reminding, too many weapons are still used daily in our countries so-coalled 'in peace', that it is insane !

We should destroy them all instead of venerating them...  Is human being really fitted for peace?  Shall we never become wise and mature enough to get rid of all of this one day?  .Apparently no!  (and it generates so much money and profit for some).
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 02:52:34 AM by Hannibal »
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Books
« Reply #211 on: October 29, 2022, 03:09:12 PM »
I'm glad to see that I'm not alone! Most of my figure friends are in the same boat. I have Ospreys, etc. from 25 years ago. Great for uniforms and general updates on eras I don't know.  Kinda high end comic books for me.

Marco - I too used to tear out articles from magazines and file them. Great minds!!!  ;D   Just got rid of them about 5 years ago when it became space for books vs articles.

Willie - lugging all these books to shows is probably not an option - its all I can do to get myself to a show, let alone a  bunch of books. :-[
Michel - don't you know? You cant die until you paint all your grey army!  :) You're going to be around for a long time, Amigo. Maybe "purgatory" is remaining alive (ghost?) until all the figures are painted - which makes it "work" not "fun".  OTOH, maybe that's heaven!  We'll see.
BFFS Member,
N. American Rep.
If the world is wrong; then right your own self...Brother Dave Gardner

Ed Humphreys

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Re: Books
« Reply #210 on: October 29, 2022, 07:06:33 AM »
When asked why I buy so many books, I reply that bookshelves are the best possible insulation a room can have.

Re: Books
« Reply #209 on: October 28, 2022, 05:38:53 PM »

 I think that all you guys have good ideas on this subject.  The internet has a lot to offer and so do ebooks. I have been thinking about that myself  :o  my major problem is space :-[ . The second problem would be having to many of the same thing  :o  its what sells and makes money for the publishers.  Also we are a special group ???  we have been at this a long time. Are interest range from ancient to modern. I myself is the uniforms and some centuries drive me to to drink only when I painting ;)  PJ I  would try going to shows  and taking the books to sell. Willie