Author Topic: Books  (Read 121515 times)

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Re: Books
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2016, 06:12:04 PM »


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Re: Books
« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2016, 07:16:32 AM »
Willie, you don't happen to have this book in your collection do you?

Roger Newsome.
BFFS member.
Bedale, North Yorkshire.

gerry Larkin

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Re: Books
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2016, 06:48:49 PM »
Hi Willie
You will have the pleasure of myself and young Nicholas Ball at Valley forge in May
 so looking forward to catching up you  and talking books flats etc!!, and if the Hawaiian
shirt mob are on line, Patrick and co, chime in!!  Now tell me Young man is that man cave you  have, enough room for all your vast  book collection?,  Happy new Year Willie ....   Gerry.

Re: Books
« Reply #55 on: January 05, 2016, 03:51:37 PM »
 Happy New Year to you all  ;D I am now in the Man Cave smaller then I had before but it will do. Last year was a strange one for new books coming out :o It seemed like they would never come and some it took almost a whole year. My next thing well be a talk about the Union Navy in the Civil War at the Civil War Round Table.  I will let you know how that goes. At the end of this month will be the South Florida Toy Soldier Club show. Willie 

Re: Books
« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2015, 03:09:26 PM »
Just one week left and I am in my new man cave. It has been a long year and I wish everyone in are club a Marry Christmas and a great new year. Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2015, 12:18:40 PM »
Hi gang ;D Just one more month and we are in the Condo  ;D,but this has not stopped me from ordering books and having them delivered  to my step Daughters house in FL. First off for all you British Army Equipment fans out there British Military Respirators & Anti Gass Equipment of the two World Wars brand new . Second and a very nice book is Das Kuk 1895 The Imperial Army by Oska Buch in German but the color work in the back of the book is great. Now the last one is By Andrea publishing about the US Special Forces in Vietnam outstanding book with lots and lots of color on uniforms and equipment. Willie


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Re: Books
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2015, 04:20:17 AM »
I have the Eduard Wagner book though the German version .Its a great book for 30 years war right down to cooking utensils .

Re: Books
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2015, 09:59:54 PM »
 So now to bring you all up to date. I have packed up some of my books and put them in storage and  the man cave floor raised about six inches  :o. The Condo is on the market. But not to get sad I am still picking up reading material ;D The latest is in my Indian Army section.  Sons of John Company The Indian & Pakistan Armies 1903-1991 By John Gaylor lots of information in this book about the regiments of the Indian Army. While I was out visiting my daughter I happen to go into a small shop that had military items from around the world and I came across two very interesting items witch  I bought.  :o  They go on your shoulder straps . 1  92 Punjabis infantry. 2 K.A.R.  I know what they are lets see if you know what they are ::). Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2015, 03:27:49 PM »
 Arrived today Officers and Soldiers of French Dragoons Volume 2 :o  Lots and lots of color plates Histoire & Collections did a great job.. If I where a betting man I would say that Volume 3 should be coming soon Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2015, 04:49:05 PM »
For all you 30 years war people out there I received this book today. European Weapons & Warfare 1618-1648 By Eduard Wagner. This is a reprint of the original  Hard Back Book witch runs about $60.00 I first saw this book advertised on the miniatures page or the war games page. This book is geared to the war gamer but there is a lot information for the flat painter, most of the prints are copies from the Hard Back Book. It is still a good deal . It is printed by Winged Hussar publishing Willie

Nicholas Ball

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Re: Books
« Reply #48 on: May 14, 2015, 03:19:28 PM »
some interesting sounding books there Willie.

looking forward to Patrick putting on  the photo's from Valley Forge.

Are you retiring to FL.?  will you be at Valley Forge next year??  I think my Wife is tryingto get rid of me, I mentioned last night about attending the show next year, and she said OK, you had better go!!

YIPPEEEEEE  !!!   I need some new Cowboy Boots    hahaha

Re: Books
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2015, 02:56:41 PM »
Well back from the Valley Forge Show with some interesting books ???  The first one is a gem printed in polish it covers the Huns and the Medieval periods. The Black and White drawings are outstanding of all the equipment and weapons. The title is Wyprawy Krzyzowe  Armie Lodow Tureckich. By Andrzej Michalek  printed in 2001.  This ought to drive the painters of Knights and old guys with 30mm vision nuts when painting ;D  Second is The Mongol Warlords By David Nicolle. Nice little book on the Warlords. Third is another Polish book on the polish Army from 1914-1947. Lots of prints and information on the equipment, Weapons, Ranks, Tanks, Trucks, Not to much on Artillery  37, 75, 40mm are the only guns shown. The title is Ksiega Kawalerii Polskiej By Henryk Smaczny printed in 1989 Third on the list are two books in Italian  La Cavalleria Di Linea Italica 1796-1814  By Galliani printed in 1973 . Next Uniformi military italiane dellottocento dalla restaurazione allunita nazionale  :P  I do not know the author could not fine it, was printed in 1979 Willie 8) Now a little note to you all my wife and I are planning to move to FL so I have been packing my books away so we can show the condo . I believe the floor has risen about 6 inch ::)  If any of you guys are going to move let me tell you how to do it. ::)  Get your kids Grandkids to move it for you  ???  no work no eat ;D . I  will still be talking about books,  8) and flats.    Willie 

Re: Books
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2015, 09:40:24 PM »
For those World War II painters out there . I found this book on the polish army in World War II. Wojsko Polskie 1939-1945 By Barwa i Bron  printed in 1990.  The book is in Polish and it covers the uniforms of the Polish Forces in the war. Some of the art work could be improved on but others are great for information on uniforms and rank. This will fit in nice with my other books in French, Finish, Russian, Italian. Japanese, Chinese, Romanian, Hungarian ::)  Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2015, 10:00:04 PM »
 Well the oxcart arrived today with some new books. After 8 months My Royal Navy Uniforms 1930 -1945 arrived today. The book is published by Crowood Press written by Martin J. Brayley .This is the third in the series of British Military Uniforms in World War II the book covers lots and lots of uniforms and ranks. So if you are looking for inspiration on painting British sailors then get this book. The next book has been on the New York Times bestseller list. Elephant Company is a story about James Howard Williams and his units of elephants in Burma, I started to read it and can't put it down I like it 8)  The third is Camouflage & Markings of Canadian Military Vehicles volume 1 &2 nice art work in both.

Re: Books
« Reply #44 on: March 25, 2015, 08:40:20 PM »
 Just received this book today and I think this would make some interesting figures to paint. Armies of the War of the Triple  Alliance 1864-70 By Osprey Publishing Men-at Arms #499 :o . Also  Armies of the 19th Century; The Americas The Paraguayan War by Foundry Publishing lots of black and white drawings . Another book would be Uniformes de la Guerra del Pacifico 1879-1881 by Partizan  Press lots of color plates and my book is in Spanish but I believe  they are now in English . Willie