Well back from the Valley Forge Show with some interesting books
The first one is a gem printed in polish it covers the Huns and the Medieval periods. The Black and White drawings are outstanding of all the equipment and weapons. The title is Wyprawy Krzyzowe Armie Lodow Tureckich. By Andrzej Michalek printed in 2001. This ought to drive the painters of Knights and old guys with 30mm vision nuts when painting
Second is The Mongol Warlords By David Nicolle. Nice little book on the Warlords. Third is another Polish book on the polish Army from 1914-1947. Lots of prints and information on the equipment, Weapons, Ranks, Tanks, Trucks, Not to much on Artillery 37, 75, 40mm are the only guns shown. The title is Ksiega Kawalerii Polskiej By Henryk Smaczny printed in 1989 Third on the list are two books in Italian La Cavalleria Di Linea Italica 1796-1814 By Galliani printed in 1973 . Next Uniformi military italiane dellottocento dalla restaurazione allunita nazionale
I do not know the author could not fine it, was printed in 1979 Willie
Now a little note to you all my wife and I are planning to move to FL so I have been packing my books away so we can show the condo . I believe the floor has risen about 6 inch
If any of you guys are going to move let me tell you how to do it.
Get your kids Grandkids to move it for you
no work no eat
. I will still be talking about books,
and flats. Willie