Author Topic: Edition Krannich "Herrscher, Feldherrn, Stolze Reiter"  (Read 5730 times)

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Re: Edition Krannich "Herrscher, Feldherrn, Stolze Reiter"
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2015, 05:26:26 AM »
Here it is:
But also Nicholas and Brian .... , BFFS should send one copy of this book to the expert of the EU in charge of tthis flat lead issue, to let him know what s our concern about disappearance of our art !!
Here is the translated text of the web page of Krannich !!

Collectibles cultural and historical tin figures
 Such artistically designed metal miniatures belong to the inheritance of humanity for centuries. With them history becomes comprehensible and alive in a special way. They are not toys, they are real collector's items, especially for men to old age. And you can therefore tell the younger of the history. They are also a challenging hobby for artistically gifted, for signatories, for engravers, for Malkünstler. A large community of lovers of this art has united this small figures around the world, across borders and limitless. A meaningful passion.  Now EU experts have discovered a risk in these small figures, because they contain a small amount of lead, which is added so. But he who leaves his collectibles, which he painted laboriously and usually are in display cases of his young children anlecken (so the reasoning). Allow the children also do not anlecken a Picasso in the Gemäldegalerie, and because there lead in some colors is not just! - We are excited to see what decision will be taken by the Commission and hope for an adequate and not as the compulsory regulation of mercury-containing lamp that does not come into my budget anyway!  As a precaution, please refer hereby again that Zinnfiguren, as offered in our webshop , are not a toy and does not belong in the hands of small children and should not be licked by elders.

Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Edition Krannich "Herrscher, Feldherrn, Stolze Reiter"
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2015, 04:12:06 AM »
Hello friends of flats,

Edition Krannich edits a new book with flats "Herrscher, Feldherrn, Stolze Reiter"; it shows the 54 mm flats 
Mr. Krannich engraved; available in Kulmbach 2015.

I think most flat collectors need some linear meters books about flats, dioramas, uniforms, painters, etc.

Best regards
