« Last post by Hannibal on November 22, 2024, 03:20:38 PM »
Surprising Brian, if BFFS is becoming a commercial group,no longer a social and hobby attraction?
I have never sold any of my paintings, results of a hobby and many lovely hours of passion.
No, only offering to real passionnates, ... or exchanging some pieces with another painter during which we both value our passion for the other piece of work.
But our XXIth century is so much focused on money, profit, I ignored that love was for sales !! and not a free act. So sad!!
Have status changed for this move? Does the club take some 'royalties' for the advertising table and brand, to post your 'works' ? Perhaps explaining the silence ever since Kulmbach from the staff ...
I wonder also whether a new BFFS from the saga of King Arthur shall be proposed this year, for 2025? (for painting) ... You've Brian be a link and a promotor for them, primarly with Nick the main motor of this project, and Benedikt more recently for the casting and dispatching .....
Recent new technologies are using more and more electronic resin printing with a raising success. A bit sad as it shortcuts the artistic talent of engravers and a personnality given to the character to paint... Is this phenomenon raising also in the UK? as it is on the continent? (like Centurion Miniatures).