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General Discussion / Re: Just starting out again!
« Last post by Brian on November 24, 2024, 02:09:38 PM »
With Napoleonic's you are spoilt for choice!  Have a look in links at the top of the page and click vendors and your find Berliner Zinnfiguren

Paint is up to you, most use Oil as I do but also acrylics,  with a frame or box dioramas you only see one side so that's all you need to detail.
[size=78%]   [/size][size=78%]  [/size]
News / Re: Western Miniatures
« Last post by barryw on November 24, 2024, 10:26:59 AM »
Sandor, I thought it looked a bit like the Patrician of Ankh Morpork! Barry
Shows / Re: Kulmbach 2024
« Last post by Brian on November 24, 2024, 06:51:57 AM »
The last Arthur figure is a good figures, just on one knows about it as not advertised   :(

General Discussion / Just starting out again!
« Last post by barryw on November 24, 2024, 06:44:08 AM »
Hi all,
I recently came across some flat figures I bought and started painting back in the mid 1980s and this has renewed my interest in acquiring and painting flat figures.
My main area of interest is the Napoleonic era, although I do have a few ancients and Medieval figures awaiting painting.
At present I am trying to identify some of the figures I have acquired recently and preparing them for painting. 
"Back in the day" I used oil paints as that was the recommended medium to use now I am planning to use acrylics as I use them for painting Discworld figures and my model railway figures. What type of paints do other collectors use now?
Also I am planning to set up some dioramas in modified picture frames, so my question is should I only paint the side seen by the viewer in order to save time or both?
Shows / Re: Kulmbach 2024
« Last post by Jean_Paul on November 24, 2024, 06:21:32 AM »
Why start a new project when the previous ones have not yet been presented. Kulmbach was the best opportunity
News / Re: Western Miniatures
« Last post by snagy on November 24, 2024, 12:38:25 AM »
Hi Barryw,
your "face" looks very similar to that of mine!
Maybe we are occult brothers?
News / Re: Western Miniatures
« Last post by Brian on November 23, 2024, 07:21:32 AM »
Western Miniatures has gone when the owner Dick died.
The moulds where sold off to various editors, have you an idea of what your after as can point you in the right direction.
News / Re: Western Miniatures
« Last post by barryw on November 23, 2024, 05:32:48 AM »
As a "newbie" can you tell me if  Western Miniatures still operating and how to contact them for a catalogue? Thanks Barry
Shows / Re: Kulmbach 2024
« Last post by Brian on November 23, 2024, 05:05:53 AM »
A commercial group,  I'm sure this is not the case, just the opportunity was there and they took it.
Eric was stopped selling his figures from the table and had to pay for his own table so maybe that's the way to go for them in the future.

I with 2D don't sell at Kulmbach, figures are ordered and delivered over the weekend yes but that's it, well okay maybe I'm just as bad !!

Shows / Re: Kulmbach 2024
« Last post by Hannibal on November 22, 2024, 03:20:38 PM »
Surprising Brian, if BFFS is becoming a commercial group,no longer a social and hobby attraction?

I have never sold any of my paintings, results of a hobby and many lovely hours of passion.

No, only offering to real passionnates, ... or exchanging some pieces with another painter during which we both value our passion for the other piece of work.

But our XXIth century is so much focused on money, profit, I ignored that love was for sales !! and not a free act.   So sad!!

Have status changed for this move? Does the club take some 'royalties' for the advertising table and brand, to post your 'works' ?  Perhaps explaining the silence ever since Kulmbach from the staff ...

I wonder also whether a new BFFS from the saga of King Arthur shall be proposed this year, for 2025? (for painting) ... You've Brian be a link and a promotor for them, primarly with Nick the main motor of this project, and Benedikt more recently for the casting and dispatching .....

Recent new technologies are using more and more electronic resin printing with a raising success.  A bit sad as it shortcuts the artistic talent of engravers and a personnality given to the character to paint... Is this phenomenon raising also in the UK? as it is on the continent? (like Centurion Miniatures).
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