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New Bike from 2D Figurines

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Nicholas Ball:
It paints up well. Nice job. ;)

Very nice - made me think of Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild. The next one is going to be a challenge to the engraver - lots of detailed machinery and perspective without distortion. Then there is the rendering of glossy paints, chrome, reflections, etc. It's tempting...

Jon P:

--- Quote from: Brian on July 23, 2013, 11:13:28 AM --- ;D ;D ;D ;D !!
Then have a go at painting it  ;)

--- End quote ---


I'm trying to work out how to create a 'Pepper's ghost' effect with the Civil War flat lurking in the background

 ;D ;D ;D ;D !!
Then have a go at painting it  ;)

Jon P:
Looking good Brian ;D

I picked one of these up at Figureworld and I had a feeling I recognised it from somewhere then I remebered this great Dave Mann painting from Easy Riders magazine;

Ghost Rider!


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