Author Topic: Hello, we are the new here...  (Read 2393 times)

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Nicholas Ball

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Re: Hello, we are the new here...
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2015, 02:47:04 PM »
Welcome Rolf and Eva-Maria,  it is good to have you here.

Andreas engraves some wonderful figures and it's good to have an address to where our members and Associates can purchase them from :)

I hope you enjoy the site



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Re: Hello, we are the new here...
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2015, 04:31:23 AM »
Good to see you both here  ;) 
Figures are amongst the best and highly recommended.

Julia Kehle

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Re: Hello, we are the new here...
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 03:31:24 AM »
Hi Eva-Maria and Rolf,
Nice to meet you here in England  ;D  Greetings, Julia


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Re: Hello, we are the new here...
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 02:33:11 AM »
Welcome !
Can you post a few pictures of your figures ?

Hello, we are the new here...
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 01:44:54 AM »
Hello , we are the new here.
We , these are rolf and Eva-Maria  from Germany. Andreas Trost ( Trostzinn ) has advised us of this forum here. WE do quite a lot with him and also some moulds taken fro him.

Some of you  may know me from Kulmbach , there I helped Andreas with his figure sales ...

I try to engrave figures, as well as Andreas I am far away from being  :D But if our Christmas business is over , I have again time  to learn engraving at Andreas. So far, we´ve come up with some figures together, which he then engraved...

Normally I will ( Eva-Maria) write here, I will be with us for paintign an PC  an if I can then better for engraving responsible. Figures casting  that is the task of Rolf  he has always new ideas for characters.

Please excuse  if mey English is not so perfect , but it´s jst a difference for me  speaking or writing it.  My German is better because we are " Swabia / Schwaben " like Andreas  ;D
