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General Discussion / Re: Franz Beck
« Last post by Grimm on February 05, 2025, 04:08:32 AM »
I know Scholts has the moulds. I already have some of the figures so I'm not interested in buying the whole series. I am primarily interested in GE9, but can also buy more of the figures that I don't have.
Figure Identification/Search / Re: Heinrichsen ID help please
« Last post by jimrjim on February 04, 2025, 07:41:21 AM »
Thank you kroi. My challenge is IDing the figures...all that gold!
Figure Identification/Search / Re: Heinrichsen ID help please
« Last post by kroi on February 04, 2025, 02:11:35 AM »
On the box:

Türk.[ische]-Leibgarde Ulan[en] - Lanciers turco.
Turkish Lifeguard-Uhlans.
19th century is not my field, so I can't tell if the figures/uniforms fit the box. Knötel: From 1890 Guard-Uhlans in dark blue with red facings. Tanzimat comes in mind.

On second thoughts, they might even be early 20th century.
Figure Identification/Search / Heinrichsen ID help please
« Last post by jimrjim on February 03, 2025, 06:52:15 PM »
I am not at all confident the box matches the figures. I cannot fully decipher the box beyond Ulans (Uhlans) and "Lancers turcs". The lance pennons are more grey & green than the white & green in the photo. (thank you iPhone for the overcompensation) If somebody can offer the true identity it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Re: Franz Beck
« Last post by beloc zoc on February 03, 2025, 01:11:33 PM »
Please have a Look at „Nibelungen III: Siegfrieds Einzug am Hofe Gunthers in Worms“ Bestell-Nr. 100/79/3.

Best Regards
Sale/Trade / Re: Remove large scales !
« Last post by merlino on February 03, 2025, 07:07:04 AM »
no.  venduti  ;)
Sale/Trade / Re: Remove large scales !
« Last post by mspongano on February 03, 2025, 05:17:45 AM »
Sto cercando da tempo dei piatti Quadriconcept ed ho trovato qui su BFFS il suo annuncio, ormai piuttosto datato. Per caso ha ancora in vendita questi piatti? O sa da chi dove potrei trovarne?
Grazie della sua cortese risposta
Michele Spongano
General Discussion / Re: Franz Beck
« Last post by Hannibal on February 03, 2025, 04:50:56 AM »
wouawww, magnificient pictures !!  interested too .... in second row.
General Discussion / Re: Man-at-Arms with a battle axe
« Last post by Hannibal on February 03, 2025, 04:49:11 AM »
Thank you John!
Gallery / Re: Mickey Mouse
« Last post by Hannibal on February 03, 2025, 04:47:06 AM »
No, John, I rather believe the movie was "Fantasia" where Mickey played the role of the Sorcerer Apprentice, on a music of Paul Dukas, animating the Broom...
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