Author Topic: The Look of this website  (Read 10364 times)

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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2013, 12:21:43 AM »
There is an add on that displays random images from the gallery at the top of each page that I looked at. It has some issues so I will need to make some modifications but it is a possibility.

I am playing with a few other things as well - should be a week or so as I also have some things to do on my wife's site as well...not to mention the day job.   8)

 Though after 8 weeks of unemployment happy to be busy.

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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2013, 09:06:57 PM »
Victor always stirring the pot...  ;D   There are a couple of possibilities here, some of which are easy.

Let me try something that at least displays a few things from the gallery to see how folks like it.

Quite honestly I went with a direct approach initially as I was learning the forum software and have not given it much though since but, your point is valid given what we do.

Thanks for the comment, I will try a couple of things on our test site and see what folks think.  (I will send you the test site link as well for some opinions.)


P.S. By the way I took a look at your commercial site and really enjoyed your charming figures of dancers and natives.  Really original and full of color.

Until the paint dries up in the tinlet...:)

My 10 year old kid showed me how to set up my zinnfiguren blog, so I can appreciate the complexities of starting and maintaining a dynamic web forum.

My commercial website was set up by my brother who is into IT. I just load up the pages on a template and he helps me to host it on the web.

With IT, I am a bit like Roger, all at sea... ;D ;D ;D

Rgds Victor


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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 01:38:32 PM »
Just a thought to brighten things up, would it be possible to display latest image postings from the gallery section at the top or bottom of the homepage?
Roger Newsome.
BFFS member.
Bedale, North Yorkshire.


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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 01:24:12 PM »
Victor always stirring the pot...  ;D   There are a couple of possibilities here, some of which are easy.

Let me try something that at least displays a few things from the gallery to see how folks like it.

Quite honestly I went with a direct approach initially as I was learning the forum software and have not given it much though since but, your point is valid given what we do.

Thanks for the comment, I will try a couple of things on our test site and see what folks think.  (I will send you the test site link as well for some opinions.)


P.S. By the way I took a look at your commercial site and really enjoyed your charming figures of dancers and natives.  Really original and full of color.
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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 01:42:13 AM »
Hi All,

just reviving this moribund topic. The old home page was so pretty. This homepage is a little clinical. Brrr. Any chance of some painted flats being used here...:)

Rgds Vic


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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2012, 06:23:08 PM »
Hello mark,

Thanks for yr kind comments. The original reason why I started my blog was that I didn't know how to use or post pics from photobucket into the bffs website. And I like to share pics of flats.....

Now where's the guffaw icon?

Rgds victor


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Re: The Look of this website
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2012, 12:29:12 PM »
Good stuff Blaster, thanks for the input.

I did update the name to Intl, anyway.  (It is not spelled out because it is used at the top of all the screens and rather long by the way.)

Let's see what other input folks have on your other comments.  (I do agree it is bit busy with buttons and options - I still am discovering things myself as well.)  If there is a large opinion one way or another I can spend some time on some of these ideas.


P.S.  I am a fan of your blog.
P.P.S. I also bumped up the font a bit.  Hopefully that helps with reading posts.
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The Look of this website
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2012, 04:13:50 AM »
Hello Mark,

This is just my opinion, and please ignore it if it is not relevant.

I think the basic colour for this website looks too cold, and the fonts are a little small.... :o

There are too many push buttons. For eg, just on this topic page, I have a row of optional buttons, including Feedback Forum, Comments, Site Ideas, Opinons (wrong sp), Suggestions, all of which are really about the same thing.... ???

There are too many sub and sub-sub headings. One could get lost in the labyrinth.

The name of this website International should be fully spelt out. Anyway, the shorthand for International should be Intl.

You need a guffaw icon (just kidding).... ;D

Rgds Victor