Author Topic: Shows  (Read 3098 times)

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Re: Shows
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 01:25:08 PM »
Hannibal I am not entirely sure what you are proposing, perhaps a picture or diagram?  There is currently a Calendar feature on the site which seems mainly used for birthdays - now though the original attempt was for show dates.

Let me know.

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Re: Shows
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 10:52:55 AM »
Hello Brian,

I will personnallyh be missing most of the shows this year, as my wife was operated and blpocked the last six months at home, then my mother died two weeks ago, therefore I will spend most of the remaining of the year in Turkey.

But you can find a list of the shows in Europe at our club site hereafter, starting on page 2, and whether or not it shall hold a table.
AMC Figurines

Several other clubs do the same, and the mains activities are listed as nam:es in the Show Gallery ... listing them gives you the approximate dates for the subsequent years.... instead of the main titles only.  I still have three to four more to load for the recent past....

Besides SMC Holland, Roma in September, Torino, Sèvres, some in Spain, ...  several this year are now behind us for 2023 (I am speaking about the continent, not United Kingdom); then you have also the United States.

Perhaps someone (or two persons) could volonteer to open and maintain a a new post in the main folder of Shows to add chronologically all shows of the coming year(s) or two, with the poster, loca not possible under one calendertion, dates as reference or help for the members. The difficulty is input from each of us is not possible under one calendar listing, but message by message and by date iof issuying the message.  Even in the show Gallery a first name could be Calender SHOWS 2023, Calender SHOWS 2024, extc... but each picture of a show and its name will be listed by date of loading, not by calendar month, unless the administrator himself manages and repositions them in chronology !!!, or anogher system...  After two/three years, Mark could delete the older calendarfs, if unnecessary.

For the shows Galleries, I am preparing the sequence of pictures ahead of time, in the sequence of the display on the tables, then load them in reverse sequence from the last to the first due to that constartint; impossible to insert later in tjhe middle of others !!.

But one could load 5 or 6 empty sticker per month (if not more than 6 show on each month) and one responsible could load the show poster when known, with comments and links in the description, and dates,... and if necessary re-organize the shows oif a given month by reloading them in sequence (without deleting the position)...

I volunteer to make myself such an attempt as model, if Mark (Marko) opens me a new Show Gallery  at the front of the list, named for example CALENDAR SHOWS 2023 and CALEDNDAR SHOWS 2024 and you send me all me by PM a picture of the posters of the show of 2023 you are aware, from 01 Jan till end 2023 to arrange them, count them by month and plan an attempted "gallery" in the coming two weeks. Consulting will be very easy for all after this, and I can continue for 2024.  I have already lists from the past years, bu do not cover all EU countries and shows in the USA (only 5 or 6), and in the UK.  We have to add the Hungarian show this year, your suggestions by MP will help to construct the list rapidly. I can also send you my email, easier to reply and send me details and posters of the shows with names, date.... (again from Jan 0O1 till Dec 3E1th and also foir 2024 already is you know !!!).

[size=78%]I'll be Pleased to help, after someone else could take the hand.  I shall alsol make a template for the description, as I do for the show pictures, to include dates, lmocations, lionk to the cluib or show when known, ...  Advantage of one person is that he/she can update or even swith shows by replacing their frespective contents, update description as he/she is the "loader"  other than the administrator .... [/size]
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 07:22:15 AM »
Just out of interest what shows are you guys doing this year

I know a few are at the FEN show in Ely this Saturday and we will be at the SMC in Holland later in the year.

Are there any big shows for the modeler now days ?