Forum > Gallery Pictures

Borodino 1812

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very nice 8)

Good morning, hi Wolfgang!
I am looking forward to see the steps of building up the whole diorama.
I find the shown burning house - the rendition of the flames and smoke -  magnificent!
Enjoy the further work!

New diorama project with old team.
As the “Connewitz 1813” diorama proved successful when it was created, we are continuing.

The resulting diorama was originally intended for the museum in Borodino.
But the ongoing political situation prompted us to find a location.
After the work is completed, the diorama will be on display in the Army Museum in Dresden.
Rubo's location in the panorama was not used to depict the attack of the Saxon cuirassiers. At the time of the attack, only the remains of houses that had been burned down by artillery fire remained of the village.
He also had to make compromises on the cyclorama of Rubo in order to create his depiction!


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