Richard Taylor published last year a book on the flats issued by Mueller-Erfurt on the Middle Age.
This compendium is remarkable, complete, very well documented, I would even say "scientifically".
He is an excellent contact for understanding how he developped this book, and I won't be surprised to hear that is was probably le work of many years of search, patience and contacts on internet, but also in Germany, in the heart of the editors and collectors, in addition to his own provate gery and painted army....
Such book will keep its value only if in the future, the list of current editors is maintaed updated each time the moulds are moving around editors, cating organisatikons, musea and collectors, which requires a living communication system to update such information. Otherwise the work is lost once it becomes impossible to find out where to obtain new casted mouls, those which definitively are destroyed or lost, and perhaps new flats npainted visible in their painted format..
As Mohr's works are already described in several books, it is important to constitute a similar database active and structured together with their author(s) and whoever wishes to do a similar job as Rick.
Redman, try also to catch Rick in one of his trips to Europe and to Germany, like this year to Kulmbach to have a discussion there with other German key contacts of Klio and German representatives, all présent during these unique days next August !!
Rick is on this site, and so are several other German key members . You can get such framework organized and see who will be interested.
Then it maight be interesting to see if other editors or engravors could be develkopped (Wolfgang Hafer, Oldhafer, Kieler, ....) as such spreading is going to continue as many of the contributors are quiet aged, and the risk of getting moulds being dumped in musea and inactive or private collectors increases with time.
It is the same as art paintings of old Masters escaping in private hands and disappearing from the public.
Klio and de Zinnfiguur seems to be amng the most important key partners, if not coordinators for such action, and perhaps BFFS can increase its cooperation and communiactions thruogh several of the international members closer than today with them in the future, if the leading embers of the site (BFFS) do accept to go in this direction.
The same question ecists woith larger size flats such those handled by Western Miniatures (not spread), Jupiter Miniatura, Schmalkalders ZF, ..; and the many others ... Several of us have our own lists, none is completely updated, the list cheenges every months , we are going to disappear soon or later = how to maintain a global picture, and where ...